
Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I thought I'd take a few moments to review my "List of things to do" that largely did not get done on my day off yesterday. To keep it interesting, I'll toss in a few (okay, maybe a lot) of photos I took along the way, and I'll caption them in teeny tiny print, just to confuse you.

But first, I had my camera in the car Monday because I wanted to take a shot of these:

This is a really bad, windshield-glare, photo of some beautiful purple crocuses (crocusi?) that are growing in this yard (like they do every year). This is a busy corner just a few blocks from my office, and I love that I get to see these flowers and forget about the stoopid traffic for a few minutes.

On to the List For Tuesday. First up, I wanted to go to Chloe's Coffee Shop to check out the cards that (hopefully) sold and to drop off a few new ones. This did not happen at 7:30 am as planned. You see, I left my alarm/radio set to go on at 5:45, because I just knew I'd have a full day. And I woke up at 5:45 as planned! Then I really woke up at 7:15. CARP! I was running late and I was not even out of bed yet! I hate when that happens! Scratch Chloe's.

Next on the list of Things To Do was to take kitty to the Vet to have her nose examined. So I speed-showered and bolted with her in her box (and not complaining like she usually does), since it was still rush hour, and I wanted to get there on time. I made it, thankyouverymuch. The Vet said it was one of three things, with the third one involving the word 'biopsy'. Let's hope options 1 & 2 pan out and we do not need to go there. Plus, she's lost a whole pound, which is also not a good thing. I'll keep you all posted.

Got home, un-boxed kitty and made sure she was okay, then checked The List. I scratched off IKEA and all tasks dependent on me having gone there. My list was instantly shorter.

Next up - pack up the Care Packages for my childs, but first I need to actually write their notes in the cards I made the other night. Done. Check. Taped them up, then discovered I'd forgotten about the Bag O'Ribbon I needed to send to my G-I-V-E-A-W-A-Y winner, so I sealed that baby, too. I also needed to write a check to renew my liability insurance, for when one of the Ladies decides to fall off a chair or something. THEN, I finally left the house to go to the PO. The PO branch I went to is in the same shopping center as Chloe's, so I added that to my list of stops to make.

Post Office. Done. Check. Go to Chloe's. Chloe's is busy, which is good, but I ended up spending an hour there. Not good. Deal with the inventory list and get a coffee to go. Check.

Raced home to call June. I was running so late, there was no way we'd meet up at Angela's, so I arranged to drop by her house on my way home. I grabbed my bag o'stuff to bring with me, and booked over the river to VA.

This grey photo is the Cabin John Bridge (okay, it used to be called that, and now it is the American Legion Bridge, but I like the old name better) that takes traffic across the Potomac River from MD into VA. This is at 12:30 in the afternoon ... this, in DC terms, is "no traffic". I still intensely dislike it ('hate' is such a strong word ...). This photo is why I took the rest of the ones you will see later.

I went to Angela's to pick up my goods, plus a lot of other stuff that I did not need, but, well, you know ...

Then I stopped by June's, got to see her awesome craft room (insert jealous whine here), and meet her cutie-pie girls! Then I boogied through the woods to the Ferry to cross the river back to MD. (Are you tired yet?)

This is the road of bliss, also known as White's Ferry Road. This is the VA side, and I had just turned off the main road onto White's Ferry. Sure beats the beltway, huh?

I get to see this all the way home when I take the back way, which is why I opted to go by June's on the way home. :-)

This is the bend in the road - approaching the last stretch of road that parallels the river as you go dooooown to the ferry ramp.

At this point, the river is on the right. It is dead quiet here. After you stop at the end of the line of cars (waaaay down there ...), that is.

Oh look, cows to my left! I do not remember there being cows here before. How cool is this!?

Here we are, in the center of the Potomac River. Except for the hum of the ferry motor, it is quite peaceful. I got out of the car to take this shot.

I took this one from inside my car. You are that close to the water.

After exiting the ferry on the MD side, I pulled over to let all the other vehicles go past me so I could take my time on this next stretch of road. Man, you should see this in the Spring and Summer.

Okay, back to the list. By the time I got home, it was 4:00. Let's see what's left to do today:

--> Call Dr office(s) to make a few appointments. Not gonna happen. Those people close at 4:00. The nerve!

--> Finish the list of retired SU sets, price everything, and post it to both Da Blog and SCS to see if I can move any of it (momma needs to reclaim some floor space). Sounded like work, so it has not happened yet.

--> Call the mechanic to make appts for both vehicles. All of us need check-ups. Not. I can make this call from work. Some day. Hopefully before the cars fall apart.

--> Stop by Joann's to see if they can sharpen my scissors. I have been promising The Ladies (for months) that I'd do this. Didn't happen.

--> I also had a dream that if it was not dark by this time, I'd stamp something! Um, no.

Then #2 called me! Since I was feeling so sorry for myself having not completed my list, I immediately interrupted her and asked if she had any cling sheets I could use to mount my already-have-foam unmounted stamps. YES, she did! And she delivers! She stopped by a bit later, we did a test, and it was good. So I might actually get to mount those babies this week. Sweet. Ain't #2 great??!?! (hey, that rhymes)

I don't know about you, but I thought that was one very looooong day! I am tired just recounting it.

I have a Scrap Heap update that I hope to reveal tomorrow. Thanks for reading this far, and for stopping by! :-)


  1. You have made me insanely tired just reading this post...if I did that much running around in one day then I would have to spend the rest of the week in bed to recover :)
    I am insanely jealous you got to go to June's house and see her lovely craft room and meet her gorgeous girls!!! I want to come visit you all too :(

  2. Whew! I'm tired just reading this too :) It was so lovely to see you and for you to trek out this way.

    If you get a chance, please blog about this cling stuff from Beloved Blog Reader #2. I think I have that stuff somewhere...not was many years ago...

  3. Have stuff, will travel.


    WV -

    You did a bunch a "tredn".

  4. you have FLOWERS in Maryland?!?!?! Now that is something I'm really jealous about!


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)