
Monday, May 18, 2009

Blog-iversary, Part Second - We Have A Winner!

I am sorry to be posting this so late in the day, but it is still Monday, so I am not late, yet. Darn Day Job! It interferes with so much of my would-be life...

Congratulations go to Kathy H, whose name was chosen by an ever-so-slightly-scientific method from all the entries (I pulled her name out of a box, okay?) Let's hear it for the winner! Yay! Woo-hoo! Cheers! (okay, that's enough)

Kathy - please email me (do not post it here!) with your mailing address and the city name you'd like printed on your City Cards. I know, I probably have your address somewhere in the bowels of my In Box, but it was just easier to ask you again. You KNOW how lazy I can be sometimes.

Tomorrow I shall post the third of three G-I-V-E-A-W-A-Ys, and then we'll be done with all that! I'm thinking and plotting while I cut up a catalog to make some quick note cards, so maybe I'll have a clue by tomorrow. Heck, I may even post the note cards later this evening, if I decide I like them, that is.

Thanks for stopping by!

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PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)