
Monday, June 1, 2009

(This Post Has No Title)

Today I did something I never, ever do. I placed a Demo order with SU at O'Dark Thirty on a 'release' day. Not because I am one of the giddy girls. You know, the ones that get all hyped up about 30 days before anything is released and start to speculate what "might be" in the new catalog, or what "might be" the new colors, or what "do you think will retire". WHO CARES?!?! We still have a full month left of all this goodness and pretty In Colors and I just cannot get enough of them! Let's not lose focus, people!!!!!

So I refuse to associate with the silliness. I let all the crazy ladies go online at one second past the moment the gates open; I let them deal with a slammed server that is just trying to keep up with the traffic; I let them run into any issues with ordering; I let them whine and complain and EXPEDITE; then I wake up, shower, fix myself a cuppa joe, and see if I can log on to the SU site. Sometimes I even wait until {shudder} the evening to place an order. And I never expedite.

So last night I stayed up too late finishing a book. Then this morning, I found myself wide awake, and I could not get back to sleep. Then I looked at the clock: 4:30 am. AAUGH! Not.enough.sleep. Then I had a crazy idea: I could order! I mean, c'mon, I was wide awake, and so far everything (EVERYTHING) on my list was stuff I needed cuz I did not have any, or enough, for my June workshops. So I went online. And I shopped. And I was amazingly restrained in my purchases of new goods. I think I was really, really good, actually! So I clicked Submit, and I paid. Oh, did I pay. But it is all for the biz!! Really! Then I went back to bed, and when I finally woke up, I was running late. Of course.

This evening I had occasion to call Demo Support about an issue a Customer had reported to me, and I made sure to tell her how mah-velous my online experience had been this morning, a mere 30 minutes after they opened the site up for us. I learned a long time ago, having been on the other side of things, that there are some jobs where if your phone rings, 100% of the time it's because something is broken. I think it is really nice to call these support people once in a while and tell them about how much you LIKE something - just to throw them off, ya know? And she was quite surprised by my comment. Surprised, but pleasantly so, and I think I made her day!

Aaaaaaand, today is ... drum-roll please ... my 5-year Anniversary with Stampin' Up! Yay, me! And no, I am not going to Convention; even if I were going, I would NOT walk across that stage. Nononononono. No way. What do I get? A pin, I think. And the privilege of walking across the stage at Convention. (not)

And since I am now fading into the sunset (man, am I tired! wonder why ... ), I thought I'd share with you something I just read over at Quiet Life, that will appear on a card/blog near you very, very soon:

I've been on a constant diet for the last two decades. I've lost a total of 789 pounds. By all accounts, I should be hanging from a charm bracelet. ~Erma Bombeck

I really miss Erma.


  1. Oh, Leslie, crooked stamper you, I love you! Seriously though, we must be twins! You crack me up. You're my wild side!

  2. So when the order does arrive, will you take pictures and blog it? Where will you put your newest box of goodies?

  3. i miss emma too. she was cool. HAPPY ANNIV, babe! congrats!

  4. erma. duh. not emma. cannot type. need more coffee. that sleep thingie is contagious. arrgh.


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)