
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

This Post Has No Title

Wednesday, Hump Day, is behind me, and I did not even touch my list of things to do today. Oh, I was still plenty busy, mind you, but that list is still there. Grrrr.

What did NOT get done:

(1) Go to Target to get more chocolate and tea bags.
(2) Go to Kohl's to buy some new unmentionables.
(3) Go to the Post Office
(4) Go to Blackrock Center for the Arts to buy my ticket for the Buskin & Batteau show tomorrow night.

What DID get done instead:

(1) I installed the 5 new sets of doors in my cabinets.
(2) I cut all the parts-is-parts for 20 more Dragon Fly magnets.
(3) I made 2 cards.
(4) I cooked more poblano poppers (had to be done).
(5) I emptied the dishwasher and refilled it, thus emptying the sink and clearing off a counter.
(6) I made dinner.
(7) Along the way I put a ton of stuff into bags to be given away.

Not a bad trade-off, I'd say! Let's get started with the stampin' part:

I bought 2 packs of these buttons (Making Memories - Chloe's Closet) on sale at Mike's, and when I rediscovered them while sorting through things to be put away, I decided I'd use them on this SU tree. Not as easy as it sounds. Oh, the 'use the buttons' part was easy, it's just the rest of the card that gave me fits.

First I stamped it on the Vanilla card stock and it looked ... boring. So I grabbed my new Hero Arts cloud background stamp (still in the bag from my last trip to Angela's) and used it! Love it!

The 'grass' is a piece of grass paper I found while clearing out The Other Room, and it was left out for me to see and use. [No, I did not cut it crooked - it came that way! I swear! The very edge of the 12x12 sheet is not aligned with the grain of the grass! TRUE!]

Because both layers were Vanilla, I tried layering a piece of Soft Suede DSP between the two, but it totally got lost. I tried drawing a line with the Soft Suede marker, but it looked stoopid. I also slipped and colored on the grass, so that one was trashed. I finally ended up just swiping the top layer's edges against the Soft Suede ink pad to define them. Done!

The ribbon I wove through the sentiment tag is from my stash, and may be one of the oldest ribbons I own.

Lastly, I drew in the obligatory birds. ;-)

Then I tried to make another one. Lotsa buttons left, so why not, right? I destroyed at least two attempts before I ended up with this one. Then, as I edged it against the ink pad, I missed and got some ink on the right side in the sky. IN THE SKY! How could I possibly cover that up and save this labor of love?

Heh, heh ... I decided it was going to get windy and blow some leaves around. One of them just happened to get stuck right where that schmear was. :-) So this version has some leaves piled up under the tree (and one off to the side). SAVE! Phew!

These two are actually already in envelopes and ready to mail when I go to the PO tomorrow!

[sudden change in topic]

Ready for another part of the Reveal? Here you go:

I got the doors installed today. YAY!!

Well, the 5 sets I have. I need one more set for the bottom left, but that's okay! I think things are looking up!

That table in the middle of the room holds all the goods from my Mike's bags and also from several Angela's trips. I went through it all, sorted things out, and even put some of it away! The rest of that stuff still needs attention. And yeah, I still need to clean those windows.

Here are the left-most two sections of cabinets. Notice the stuff on top that will not actually fit inside. We'll talk about those on our more detailed tour. The good part is I did get rid of enough stuff to rearrange some things, leaving me more room for craft stuff.

This is the other wall - the one with the original sets of cabinets. I thought about adding two more sections to the top of each of these, but (1) two of them would only cover what is already there, and (2) the top two would definitely be just storage for stuff I rarely use. AND, it would totally close off the room. I hope to get better at the purge task so more levels of cabinetry will not be necessary.

In closing this evening, I bring you one sleepy cat. This is her latest thing - curling into a tight ball. I took about 4 pics last night - with a flash - and she did not move even one hair. I did check for signs of life, and we are good.

Depending on how tomorrow goes, I hope to do some more stampin' and maybe another part of the Reveal before I head out for my musical evening. If you have never heard of Buskin & Batteau, check them out and listen to some of their sound bites. I have been following these two for about 17 years now. They are of the Folk genre, but their Day Jobs are doing jingles, and they have done a bunch of jingles you have all heard, I am sure! "The heartbeat of America, that's today's Chevrolet" (Robin Batteau); "We deliver, we deliver, we deliver for you!" (David Buskin, for the USPS); and a bunch more that escape me.I actually met these guys because Robin did the Maryland Lottery jingle back in 1991 and I tracked him down in NY, and he called me! I have seen David at some local House Concerts. Anyway, I am going to see them perform tomorrow evening, and I am soooo excited. (Can you tell?)

Gonna get my butt off the couch now and go assemble some more Dragon Fly magnets. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I love your friendship tree card so much! And your room looks FABULOUS! I am Pea-GREEN with envy!

  2. Your tree cards are so fun! I especially like the second one with the leaves on the ground. Your studio is looking FANTASTIC. It is no longer TOR; it IS a studio :)

    Hi, Kitty!

  3. I like the extra leaves on the second versions :)

    I am continually impressed with how much progress you have made in that room!

  4. Room looks great !

    ( i'm home )


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)