
Friday, February 5, 2010

It's Snow Time!

It's that time of year. You know, when it has been so cold for so long, that when the temperature rises above 32 F people start exclaiming about the Heat Wave? Yeah, that. Three of my tweeps mentioned Heat Wave today, so I pulled this card from my archives so I had a photo for you.

I made this card one Hazy, Hot & Humid July or August day, after I'd sat satten been sitting at the market covered in frozen towels, guzzling beverages and generally trying not to pass out from heat prostration. But you know what? It works for 32 F, too. It's all relative.

At this moment, the DC area is being ever-so-gently buried in snow. So far it's been coming down for about 7 or 8 hours, and we have over 24 hours left before they predict it will stop. We're supposed to get 16-24" of the white stuff, and it's wet and heavy, which means slush and ice and me not shoveling for fear of hurting myself. I'm kinda hoping it stays wet, though, so the 16-24" might be only 10-12. Actually, I kinda wish it would stop right now. And we're supposed to get more next week. WHAT have we done to deserve all this wet? I think I need to have a little talk the rain and snow gods.

In other news, I plan to do some much-belated paperwork this weekend, followed by some serious STAMPIN'! Oh, yeah. I have much in the pipeline, plus my Stamp Camps next weekend, so I'd best get to it!

Oh, I still owe you the announcement for the winner of the Spot The Mistake contest. Since I said "Friday", and that goes until midnight, and I won't still be vertical at midnight, I'll announce the winner tomorrow. I might even select a prize by then. ;-) I am sure I have something, somewhere around here.

That's it for now. Wherever you are, stay warm, stay dry, don't hurt yourself, and thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. You go girl, with so much white showing these days! Guess it's appropriate, given your weather.

    Stay warm & busy!


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