
Monday, November 21, 2011

Just Playing

People ask me where I get the weird sentiments I put on some of my cards. Well, believe it or not, most of them are stamps that I've purchased. I must just hang out at different stamp stores than everyone else does. Actually, the scary thing is that someone else thought them up; I just bought them.

Another source for a lot of my irreverent sentiments comes from the Interwebz, and mostly from Twitter. People say the darnedest things, and repeat things they over-hear. I get LOTS of ideas from Twitter. Some of them not suitable for this blog, but I will admit the cards sporting them sold this past weekend. :)

So the other day, one of my peeps and I were talking about something and we were both so riled up, at one point she said, "That brings out the inner trucker in me." I laughed so hard I had to write it down.

Tonight I bring you my inner trucker card:

I used the last piece of orange napkin "paper" I made several weeks ago, so that's off my desk finally. (bonus!) I cut the special characters on my new toy! I caved and got a Silhouette Cameo, and I'm learning I have much to learn about using it. Still, these came out poifectly!

Oh, look, I've managed to make that sentiment crooked. ;/

In other news, I've printed off 17 more sketch challenges to add to the 17 I didn't do last week. BUT, this week ends in a 4-day weekend for me, so I might actually make something. Could happen.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Awwwww!!! I'm so touched. xoxo I'm ashamed to say how often my inner trucker comes out, but when it out! :D

    And look at you cutting all sorts of nifty things with your Silhouette!! Fun, isn't it?


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)