
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

SOS Challenge 40 - Inspiration piece

It's time for another challenge at Shopping Our Stash! This week we have an inspiration prompt:

Could this be any more NOT LIKE ME? But this is a challenge, after all, so look at the options: colors, subject (butterflies, flowers), or however else this image inspires you ... I decided to go with the colors. I went in search of papers that would work, and ended up with a pack of baby papers from PTI. The pack was in a stack of PTI paper packs I haven't been able to sell, so what the heck, right? :)

I did another herringbone background like I did here and made this:

 The orange-y color is SU Peach Parfait, and the ribbon (also from PTI) is my attempt to pull out the purple in the papers. You'll notice I was totally "inspired" to skip the (gah) pink color. :)

Here is a close-up of some of the detail:

The charm is from my stash - I have all sorts of these ... got them at Mike's (wedding/make-your-own-favors aisle). I colored the pearls with a Copic marker. Sentiment is by A Muse.

Now it's your turn! Go study that inspiration piece and be inspired to use something in your stash to make a card. Then come back to Shopping Our Stash to link us so we can see what you've made!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. leslie? skippin' the (GAH!) pink??!?! i am *SHOCKED*!!! :) :) :) i am also ♥LOVING♥ that amazing herringbone background, and the fabulous charm! a winner for sure, missus!!!

  2. I saw some pink in that orange, so it wasn't skipped entirely, just minimized. Love the herringbone design, that's a lot of work! Very pretty.

  3. Too cute! That charm is adorable too!

  4. Love the herringbone design and the cute little charm & sentiment. Perfect little baby card!


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)