
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

SOS #45 - Circles

It's time for another challenge at Shopping Our Stash! This week we ask you to use circles in your design. Alternatively, you can use a Bugaboo image, since they are our sponsor this week. Circles - you can use Nestabilities, punches, hand cut circles, polka dots, paper with circular designs, etc. So many possibilities!

For my card, I ended up using a lot of the above. :) First, here she is:

Now, anyone familiar with SU knows how old this paper is, am I right? I have about four pieces of this cut and layered on either Night of Navy or Old Olive, and just lounging in the UFO pile, waiting to be used. As I hovered over The Captain's Table, pondering my options for this challenge, I spied a corner of the paper and a card was born! :)

I added a MS doily tag, because it was round. It got lost in the background, so I added a circle of Old Olive under it that I cut with one of my circle Nestabilities. I stamped the sentiment in Night of Navy, then punched it out with a 1 1/4" circle punch, and layered it on a piece of Night of Navy punched with the 1 3/8" circle punch. That's a lot of circles. I tried to cut it all with the horizontal Navy ribbon. (Did you also do the dance of joy when SU came out with Navy ribbon many years ago? Did you hoard it? I'm just asking, for a friend.)

Now it's YOUR turn! Go into your stash and look for anything round or circle-y - patterned papers, polka dots, doilies, circle punches and dies ... Then use it to make a card, and come back over to Shopping Our Stash and link us up so we can see what you've made!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. i love that paper! Well, the whole card, actually, but that paper is great!

  2. i may still have some of that paper, too, in pastel baby shades... probably from when the nieces were pastel babies??! :)

    love♥LOVE♥love this card, missus... it's a brilliant take on the "circles" this week!

  3. Fantastic use of the paper and coordinating elements for a clean, crisp card! Say that five times fast! Yah - you used some old stash!

  4. Who me? Hoard anything?? YOu're kidding me, right?! LOL I still have two unopened packs of SU long-retired dsp that I can't bring myself to open yet! LOL Namely Afternoon Tea and Apple Cider :)
    I love this card, because I love anything blue & green. All those layers look perfect with that navy ribbon :)


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)