
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Unspeakable Evil

For my next trick, I did another sketch that is still current, or at least it was when I made the card. Of course, it's old now that I've finally put new batteries in the camera to take its picture. :(  Over-all, though, I think by not setting the bar so high (read: I didn't print out 15 sketches on top of the 15 I didn't do last week), I'm actually able to DO some of these and not feel overwhelmed.I excel at creating work for myself.

Here the missed-it-by-a-day Twisted Cards sketch I used the other night:

I couldn't have linked to the sketch challenge, anyway, since it said to use "leap" somehow, which I didn't do. But I still liked the sketch, so I used it.

Here's my card:

You'll notice that this card is made mostly from things laying around on my desk. I'm telling you: you people who clean up after every card are losing a TON of inspiration. I normally wouldn't put away scraps, er ... remnants like these. In my world, they'd never see the light of day again.This way, I see them I use them, done. So there.

Okay, moving right along ... the blue-ish printed paper is left over from this card. I actually had one heck of a time layering it onto - yes, another piece of Bermuda Bay card stock that was ... still out - and cutting it to just the right size. That handsome blue border at the bottom of that layer is actually a cut-off strip that I turned over and glued down to make up for the fact that I couldn't un-stick the paper from the card stock to "fix" it.In the end, I kinda like that technique for saving myself. Look for it to be employed again. :)

The red thingies under the last-minute I-need-something------YELLOW buttons are punch-outs from the Poppy Parade die-cut strip.

Now, about that sentiment:

(hee hee) I love it. It's another one from the ... all together now ... still out set of Twisted Foursome by MFT. I love some good irreverence. :)

For those of you questioning my use of so much blue lately, you'll be happy to know I'm pretty much done with that piece of Bermuda Bay, so you'll see something different for a while. Sorry, but it was still out, and since it's a retired color, it lives in the bowels of my paper cabinet, and it's too difficult to put the remnants away. And I've vowed to only take paper out of that area, not put it back in. But I'm done now.

Tomorrow I'll post the finally finished MFT sketch card from last week's sketch. :)

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. lovely. must use my twisted sets more often.

    also - that die cut at the right side is awesome. enable a girl, pls?

  2. Fun card, Leslie! I love the color combination, and that sentiment is hilarious! :)

  3. Another lattice masterpiece! Gorgeous. I would have never thought of red. It looks amazing. And you are so right, again, about the timing of things. I can never ever get sketches or challenges done in time. But your card is still incredibly gorgeous, so better late than never! Hugs ox P.S. Thanks for making me feel better about being a Messy crafter. It's not mess: it's inspiration. Yeah, that's the ticket!


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)