
Sunday, April 8, 2012


I'll bet you know some Type A people, right? Heck, you might BE one of them. I'm surrounded by them at work, and they make me tired. I think I used to be a Type B+ about 20 years ago, but no more. I leave that stress level to the youngsters now.

When you make a card with a funny or irreverent sentiment, one of the toughest things is to figure out if you could actually SEND that card to someone; "funny" doesn't always equal "mailable". In this case, I do know a bazillion people who could receive this card and laugh out loud! That, my friends, is the job of a good, unexpected sentiment.

Here's today's irreverence:

 And a close-up so you can maybe even read it:

Some of you may recognize this paper. It's from the first year SU had the In Colors, and I fell in love with them. During my 12x12 paper purge, I snagged this one from the OMG GET IT OUT OF HERE ALREADY pile because it makes a nice non-frilly card. Masculine, even. You'll notice I also have some of the Cranberry ribbon. Mmm-hmmm.

The sentiment is punched out because ... you know how you practice stamping on your scrap paper, then when you stamp on the actual card front, you still mess it up? Yeah, that. Sigh.  Also, the button was an after-thought, because I wanted to do one of the challenges I have on my list for this weekend. This one is from The Friday Mash-up, and they gave us this tic-tac-toe board:

My selection kinda dictated itself since I wanted to keep this card masculine. Lace, Flowers, Baby and No Stamping were out, so that left the Pearls, Ribbons and Buttons row. That's why I added the button and the pearl. :)

In other news, I am mailing - yes, MAILING - five cards tomorrow. F I V E! I hope the world doesn't tip out of rotation or anything. I like making them, but sending? Not so much. Having to write on the inside of a card is its own form of stress. Sigh.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I am in total agreeance with everything in your post. Like we are totally on the same wavelength. From the mailing to the sarcastic sentiments to the stamping faux pas. Everything. Hope you are having a great easter weekend.

  2. Mailing cards??? What is the world coming to?? I like this one a lot.

  3. Thanks for joining us this week. I love your masculine card great take on the theme.

    Yes I admit I have OLD papers and ribbons and mailing cards off in time for actual events is not something I excel at! LOL

    Kasey ~ in Oz
    Friday Mashup DT

  4. Great masculine card, Leslie! Thanks for playing along with us at the Friday Mashup.

  5. well, you win, I only mailed four cards today, but between the two of us, the world probably is totally out of rotation :) I usually just settle for "love, kathe" but one was an actual NOTE (it took me four months to get it written)

    As usual, great card!

  6. Ha! I am totally Type A and I would laugh like crazy if I got a card like this. Great job! Love the colors!

    Thanks so much for playing along with us at The Friday Mashup!

  7. LOVE that sentiment! Thanks for placing the paper for me... that was before my time. Thanks for joining the Friday Mashup.

  8. Love the tones on your card and the sentiment is fab.

    Thanks for playing along with us at The Friday Mashup. x

  9. I totally need that card! My husband says if I'm not stressing, I'm not breathing! So glad you joined us at The Friday Mashup this week!


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

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