
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Another Scrappy Challenge

Sometimes I should just cut my losses and stop. You know, when you start with what seemed like a good idea at the time, then it goes from bad to worse to JUST THROW IT OUT, but you can't, so you keep going? That would be this card:

I pretty much hate it. It all started with a scrap of embossed striped Bazzill card stock I rescued from The Heaplet. It was boring, so I colored it with green and silver Gelato crayon thingies, schmeared them together to blend, then wiped off the embossed part. Meh.

Then I spied that negative pom-pom-looking thing in my UFO pile, so I decided I'd contrast the green and white with black. Again, you neat people are really missing out on all this inspiration. Seriously.

I rescued a scrap of SU Night & Day and put the pom-pom scrap at the bottom and another strip of black at the top.

I was actually using this sketch from Skipping Stones Design:

so I still needed a strip of something across that black piece, an element for the flower, and a sentiment at the bottom.  A woman's work is never done.

Here you can see where I added ... wait for it ... a strip of washi tape:

 That flower ... about that flower. It's from a package of SU felt flowers I hoarded, meaning I have an unopened package of them, too. The center of the flower has brown stitching, and, well, that just wasn't going to work, so I sewed a black button through it, and through the whole top layer. It's not going anywhere.

That left me with the sentiment. Stamping across strips of embossed card stock isn't a lot of fun, so I went looking for a black rub-on or sticker. Oh, yes, I haz some. Most of my SU rub-ons are brown, so I used a sticker from Class A Peel instead:

It's a little wonkier than it was in the package, but I think it looks fine.

Next, I'll work on my Jingle Belles card for this fortnight, unless I get distracted. :)

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. i actually quite like it. love the green/black/silver/pink together.

  2. I think it looks nice! Thanks for playing along with us over at Skipping Stones Design!

  3. I think it looks nice! Thanks for playing along with us over at Skipping Stones Design!

  4. great color combo! Thanks for playing along with Skipping Stones Design sketch challenge!


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)