
Monday, May 7, 2012

A Chevron Color Challenge

I have to tell you, I had the best time making this just now. :) I took some of the things we learned during the online A Cut Above class and made this:

As a "last day of class" bonus, we got a custom design by Kristina Werner (one of the instructors). I took it apart (because I'm ornery that way) and only used part of it. One of the things we learned in class was how to fill parts of an image with colors from somewhere else. Think: color challenge! So that's what I did! I took the color challenge from Our Creative Corner:

and used the yellow and kraft color spots to fill parts of the chevron design. I ungrouped, I sized, I filled, I repeated, I aligned, I did a Print & Cut ... I had a blast! I even did some real stamping, just to say I did! (go me)

The kraft color spot came out more like Sahara Sand than Kraft, so it doesn't match the Kraft card base 100%, but I'm okay with that. The whole point is: I learned how to do something, I retained that knowledge, and I used it. *puffs out feathers*

In other news, I'm taking a Fold It class from Julie Ebersole via the Ellen Hutson class site:

so I'll be sharing some of that homework in the next few weeks. :) Tonight was our first class, and I'm still catching up on some of the Silhouette homework, but I'll get to it eventually!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. i feel like i should now scan your posts for mention of the silhoutte and then NOT LOOK at the awesome photos b/c i can feel myself being pulled, inch by enabled inch, into electronic-cutter ownership!!! waaaaahhhhh!!! (by which i mean: this SO rocks!!!) ♥

    ps: ok, i get fold, pop & flip in a papercrafting context, but "ZIP IT"??!?! sounds kinda scary and sewing based! (or does she mean "shut up and LEARN THIS STUFF"??!?!?!) :) :) :)

  2. what a simply beautiful card. I love the clean lines and the great graphics. the line of hearts really adds some punch to this great card.
    thank you for playing along with us @ OCC.

  3. I really like what you did with that design, especially adding the hearts. Good job! I can't wait to see what wonders come out of your next class.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Holy cannoli - this is done with a die cutter? Gracious! The design is perfection, I thought it was stamp. I'm going to have to check out this tutorial 'cause this is worthy of publication. Great job! Thanks for visiting our little 'corner' of the blogosphere at the OCC this week! Love having you there!

  6. Wow...this is such a lovely creation. Love the simple and clean look. Thank you for sharing with us at OCC. Hope you have a nice weekend.

  7. Crisp, clean and full of chevron-goodness! Love this one! I am super impressed that you created this beauty with a die cut machine...I need to check that machine out, clearly. The hearts are a fun touch! Thanks so much for joining us at Our Creative Corner! :)


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

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