
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

SOS Challenge 52 - Week 2

Welcome to week two of our special two-week BINGO challenge over at Shopping Our Stash!  Here's that handsome BINGO card again:

Last week I used the elements in the B column. This week I used the top row across (Yellow, Bling, Buttons, Patterned Paper and Embossing) to made this card:

LOTS of stash here. I die-cut lots of yellow patterned paper to make the flower; I used an ancient yellow rub-on as leaves for the flower; I dry-embossed a border around the card; I tied a button to the pink ribbon; and I scattered bling everywhere.

If I was less of a slug, I'd go back and swap out one of the pieces of bling for a pearl, and I'd also have one of the diagonals: Yellow, Pearls, Ribbon and Pink. See how EASY this could be? Have you played yet? Why not? And if you have, why not play again? Just think of all that stash you could use!!!!

And remember, some of us are giving away some of our loot, so when you link up your card over at the original post at Shopping Our Stash, make sure to come back to the individual DT blogs to enter! My post from last week is here, where you'll need to link for a chance to win my schtuff.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. this is ♥GORGEOUS♥!!! i'm glad i came and read it properly b/c i thought you used a frame PUNCH but its embossed and inked and it looks AMAZING and makes me totally wanna do that!

    ps: to do a double even easier you could also swap out that brad for a PEARL brad... just sayin... :) :) :)

    PSS: this card is soooooooooo awesome even *YOU* didn't complain about the (gah!) pink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :)

  2. Yep, you have it all and it's fabulous! And we thought the BINGO challenge would be too challenging - ha!

  3. I heard you yell "BINGO!!!" from here. And a well deserved one at that. Awesome card.


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)