
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Five Cards in Five Minutes

I think I'm done buying washi tape for a while. To justify this last batch, I made five cards in five minutes tonight. Three of these:

 ... and two of these:

I even added tape to the envelopes since they all went inside packages. I've had stuff in mailing envelopes for a few days now, just waiting for me to make cards to include. I mean, I can't send a package without a card, right? Once it built up to five packages (and nowhere to sit), it was close to reaching critical mass, and that forced me into action. I now have five packages to mail tomorrow. :)

In other news, I hope this washi tape class I'm taking through Studio Calico helps me learn new and different ways to use all this tape I've collected. It's a sickness, I tell you, a sickness. I need a 12-step program. Sigh.

Thanks for stopping by!

Washi tape
SU note cards & envelopes
sentiment by Skipping Stone Design, Grunge set


  1. Those cards are fabulous! Washi tape addict is low on the lines of addictions. Might have to washi tape your hands to your sides in those scrapbook stores to prevent you from buying more!!!

  2. Great start to depleting the supply. Very cute and colorful cards. *smile*


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