
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Jingle Belles - Fa La La

I've been remiss in my participation with the Jingle Belles challenges, so this evening I tried to make amends. The current prompt is Fa-La-La-La-La, and they asked us to make a card that either incorporates music, is inspired by a holiday song, or includes a holiday song title.

I started out by trying a new technique ala Lisa Spangler, wherein she dry-embossed washi tape! I KNOW! And I did it, but that piece didn't make it onto this card, so you'll just have to wait for it.  What DID make it onto this card was a schnitload of Webster's Pages stash. Lookie:

 I went looking for anything that might work, and pulled out all sorts of things, including that humongous cream flower, some fabric tape with music on it, some sticky letters, a chipboard button, and a sticker. 

First, when I thought I'd still use the embossed washi tape thingie that's not shown here, I stamped some Hero Arts circles onto a chevron paper from the Heaplet. The music circle would save me for the prompt if nothing else music-related made it to the card, and the red snowflake stamp matched the red that didn't make it to this card. Work with me here, people. Stamping is HARD!

Once I discovered there was music printed on the fabric tape, it actually started to come together in spite of me. Here's a little detail of the schtuff:

I did sneak a piece of floral washi tape in there, just above the fabric ribbon. :)

Truth be told, I wanted to be like Lauren and pile on a whole bunch of stuff, but I still can't do that. It looks fabby when she does it, but it looks over-done when I try, so I stopped here. I did go back and distress the edges of the chevron piece to help age it, but that's it.

Now I need to go back to the embossed washi tape and do something with it, or it will end up in the UFO pile. Can't have that, now can we!?

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. While I adore Lauren's amazing pile-it-on style, I can't replicate it either ... she must have a gene that we're missing ... although I have to say you did a mighty good job on this wonderful creation ... love that music tape ... so glad you joined us at jingle belles.

  2. I think you stopped just in time, it turned out very well and I love that fabric tape with the music on it. I can't do the pile-it-on technique very well, either. It ends up looking like a hot mess.

  3. for the record, i constantly aspire to the awesome C&S style you can do so very effortlessly, and never even get close, whereas i think you've done rather brilliantly here! i looooooooooove those music circles and of course the WP fabric ribbon (with extra tape adornment above) is awesome!!! very lovely and very clever missus! (can't wait to see the embossed washi... off to look for it now... ) ♥!!!


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)