
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

SOS Challenge 56 - Stickers

It's time for another Shopping Our Stash challenge! This week we ask you to use stickers. You can use any type of stickers from your stash: alpha, trims, puffy, clear, etc. Anything that has adhesive will work!

To prepare for this challenge, I went into my sticker stash box and pulled out a bunch that looked promising:

I never intended to make more than one card, but ... I couldn't decide, so I made five cards -- yes: 5. You may want to get a cuppa and settle in. This will take a while.

First, I used this package of vehicle stickers:

 ... to make this card:

Inspiration: People ask for the darndest things. One year while sitting at my table at the farmer's market, someone stopped by and asked if I had a card for someone who just got their driver's license. Um, no, I do mostly general-type cards, and that's pretty specific, but she got me to thinking. I went to the Dept of Transportation web site (or maybe it was a sign site) and got pictures of various street signs, printed them, and made a few cards. I eventually sold one or two of them, but I never made any more.

This is also something you learn when vending. You need to say, "No, sorry, I don't have that." So anyway, that's where the idea for that card came from. I'll let you know if it ever sells. :) (car stamp by Rosie's Roadshow)

Next, I used these fish stickers:

 ... to make this:

All I did was stick them to a piece of pretty Japanese paper from The Heaplet. Even the purple card stock layer is from the remnant box. Here's a close-up of some of the fish:

Next up, I used this pack of 7 Gypsies canvas tags (yes, unopened):

 ... to make this:

Again, the patterned paper was from The Heaplet. I win.

Then there was this bag of baby stickers:

 All sorts of stuff. I ended up making this:

This is a small card that could be included with a gift for a new baby. I used two stickers and punched a heart out of a gingham scrap.

Next up:

 I didn't make a card with these, but I seem to have them in every color, in multiples. These were popular back in the vellum tag days, long before Nestabilities and die-cut machines were in every craft room. I may have to break into these one day. I might even have dies that match it.

Next (and last one), I used these:

... to make this:

I honestly don't remember purchasing these stickers, but they got here somehow. These are so not something I'd buy or use, but I did it for the team.

I never even got to my wall of Thickers, which are also stickers and totally qualify for this challenge.

Alrighty, then, now it's YOUR turn. Go into your stash and pull out some stickers. You KNOW you have some. Got Thickers? A sticker alphabet? A sheet of stickers from a Basic Grey package or kit? Any Class A Peel sheets? Any Christmas poinsettia stickers? Any self-sticking lace trim? Break it out, stick it onto a card, then come back to Shopping Our Stash and link us up so we can see what you've made!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. ok, missus, i have to say these are all SO VERY COOL and sooooooooooooo totally lever that i forgive ya for making the rest of us look bad by not making ♥FIVE♥ awesome cards!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

    ps: the bird one's MY favorite. of course!!! :) :) :)

  2. OMGoodness......SO MANY STICKERS!!! LOL!
    Love each and every one of these cards. The first one with all the signs is adorable and really like that ribbon for the "road". All are great and look at all the stickers you got rid of.

  3. All the cards are great but I think the last one is my absolute favorite by far. That little birdie is too cute!

  4. Wow you are the queen of stickers! Love these cute cards too!

  5. Looks like you added a nice amount of cards to the sell pile. Great job! CAS and cute! *smile*

  6. So adorable! I have zero talent with paper crafts ( I can make envelopes, does that count?) so stuff like this mystifies me.

  7. These are totally amazing! Love the new driver card it's perfect. The way you used the stickers makes me want to run out and buy some more :)


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)