
Saturday, June 2, 2012


I've always wondered about the word "spatter". I thought it should be "splatter", with an "l", so I looked them up.

Spatter spat·ter 
v. tr.
1. To scatter (a liquid) in drops or small splashes.
2. To spot, splash, or soil.
3. To sully the reputation of; defame.
1. To come forth in drops or small splashes: Hot grease spattered in all directions.
2. To fall in or as if in a shower, as rain or bullets.
   a. The act of spattering.
   b. The condition of being spattered.
2. A spattering sound.
   a. A drop or splash of something spattered.
   b. A small amount; a smattering: just a spatter of praise.

Splatter splat·ter
To spatter (something), especially to soil with splashes of liquid.
To spatter, especially to move or fall so as to cause splashes.
A splash of liquid.
Characterized by gory violence: splatter films.

Splatter films? Really? I need to get out more. This is what I'm pretty sure is known as circular definition. Spatter is to scatter, and splatter is to spatter.  I don't even want to talk about item 3.b, above, which mentions a smattering. ;/

So we've established that this could be either spatter or spLatter -- same thing. Either way, I don't do it, except when I'm cooking bacon.  I don't spLatter in The Captains Quarters, just like I rarely spray in there, because (1) this place is tiny, and (2) I have white carpet. Nuff said.

Ergo, when Donna asked me if I'd played the Moxie Fab World: Spatter Technique Challenge, I instantly told her I don't DO spLatter. Then I thought about it some more. What the heck, right? So I made this:

Note: I have since moved that bottom piece of washi tape to the bottom right corner of the spLattered white panel, for balance. I think it looks better over there. And I'm too lazy to re-take this photo. ETA: I re-took the picture with the repositioned tape:

That center panel started out as a 3x4 piece of water color paper. I trimmed it like you trim your bangs ... a little off this side, a little off this other side ... I was actually following this sketch from The Friday Mash-Up:

 I thought not only did I nail the sketch, I also did a manly card, so I did the Mash-Up! Too bad this is LAST WEEK'S CHALLENGE! Story of my life. Sigh.

First - the SpLatter:

I have three spray bottles of schtuff* I acquired as the result of enablement via the Tim Holtz Creative Chemistry 101 class. I have two colors of Dylusions spray and one bottle of Adirondack Color Wash (I wasn't paying attention -- I picked up pretty bottles.) I took the sprayers out of each bottle, one at a time, and very carefully and gently flicked the inky end with my finger so it spLattered on the piece of water color paper. I made a mess, but it was contained to my craft mat that I could wipe up when done. I flicked over the whole piece of water color paper, then trimmed it down to a shadow of its former self to fit the sketch.

The green and turquoise pieces are from the Remnant pile. I initially stamped each of them with a different retired SU manly patterned background stamp using Versamark for just a hint of pattern. Too blah. So I took each of the pieces, put them in a very small box, and sprayed them with the Dylusions sprays! I DID! Here's the turquoise piece with the SU Canvas background, over-sprayed with Dylusions Turquoise:

A little twine, a few pieces of obligatory washi tape to taunt Jackie and because I HAVE IT, a sentiment using words from my Skipping Stones Design Grunge set, and done! I survived! :)

Thanks for the push, Donna! And thanks to the rest of you for stopping by!

Stamps: Skipping Stones Design Grunge, SU Canvas and Flannel Plaid bg stamps
Paper: SU Water Color paper, Tempting Turquoise, maybe Green Galore, Naturals White card base
Ink: Memento black, Versamark
Other: Dylusions Cut Grass and Vibrant Turquoise, Adirondack Wild Plum Color Wash, washi tape

*No, I don't do spray. Yes, I bought three bottles of spray. What part of "enablement" has not been clear?

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