
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

SOS Challenge 58 - Triple Threat

It's time for another challenge over at the Shopping Our Stash blog! This week we have a Triple Threat! We ask you to use at least three items from this list: ribbon, flowers, lace, pearls, glimmer mists, punched elements or die cut elements, rhinestones, doilies (stamped will work too), dry embossing or scoring -OR- use three of one type of embellishment. LOTS of options, here!

Being the over-achiever that I tend to be, I did both options. :) First, here's my "three from the list" card:

I started with a piece of pretty K&Co paper sent to me by my Tweep & Bloggy pal Cindy, aka: The Crafty Frugalista. (*waves*) This paper could pretty much be used all by its lonesome, but noooooo, I dolled it up. My three items from the list are the doily, which I cut off and stuck under the ribbon, which is woven through a piece of eyelet lace. I went for four items and added some pearls, too.

There's some serious stash usage happenin' here. The skinny ribbon is from waaaaay back when I first started stamping and hadn't heard of SU yet, so I bought that skinny ribbon in every color. Sometimes twice. The eyelet lace was found hiding in a cubbyhole behind some other lace; I'd completely forgotten I even had it. The doily is from a pack of too many for $1 and I will never, ever, use them all.  Also, the letters in the word 'love' are stickers from the Webster's Pages Groupon dealio I bought last year. Speaking of never, ever, using all of something. ;/ Oh, the layers of card stock are Crushed Curry and Poppy Parade. ALSO, this card is 4.5x6.5, so I'll be making an envelope for it, some day.

For my next trick, I spied a container of shiny prezzie stickers on my desk and I attempted to disappear them by making this:

 and this:

That's six of the eight glitter stickers GONE! I still have the container with the two remaining glitter sticker prezzies, but I am still way ahead of where I was a few days ago.

Now it's YOUR turn. Go into your stash and collect a bunch of "stuff", combine it all to make a card, then come back to Shopping Our Stash to link us up so we can see what you've made!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Now this is a serious stash-buster challenge. WOOT! I love the simplicity of the present cards, and that K&Co paper is delicious :)

  2. Love all of them! The first one with that pretty paper is outstanding and love the way you did the doily.
    The ones with the stickers - WOW! CAS and just wonderful.
    So cute.

  3. I spied that luscious textured paper right away. I even remember the rubbery feel of the embossing. (Sigh. Love paper! Lol.) Great cards for this challenge. They are all smile inducing! *smile* (See?)

  4. oh wow ALL of these are brilliant takes on this week's challenge! i LOOOOOOVE the super-embellished flowery one, of course, but the super-stark bright white C&S vibe of the prezzies also ROCKS! the most impressive thing, o'course, is that you can do BOTH!!! ♥♥♥


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)