
Friday, July 20, 2012

Whinefest, Continued

Being temporarily one-handed this week has taught me much about the things that are difficult to do (if not impossible) with the loss of my dominant right hand. Here is what I've learned I cannot do:

1. hold a pen
2. sign for my meds to fix the right hand
3. dry my hair (assuming one hand for the brush and one for the hair dryer)
4. brush my teeth well
5. wash my left arm pit well
6. dry off after a shower
7. put on or take off clothing
8. hook a bra
9. put in post earrings
10. hold a spoon
11. mix my yogurt
12. eat
13. cut up anything
14. cook
15. use the crackberry key pad
16. turn the key to start the car
16.1. drive a car (even automatic. manual would be totally out this week)
17. take anything out of my right pocket
18. tie shoes
19. squeeze open a tiny hair clip to put it in my hair to get it out of my face because of #3.
20. wash dishes
21. change the sheets on the bed
22. fold laundry
23. unlock doors (keyed dead bolt)
24. turn door knobs
25. open a package of sliced cheese ("tear here" hahahaha)
26. wash my face
27. use scissors (I wanted to cut some gauze to wrap around my hand)

On that note, a coworker asked me why we even have plants that serve no purpose but to terrorize humans. Doesn't Mother Nature only create things that have a purpose? What possible purpose does poison ivy (or oak or sumac) serve in the plant kingdom? Does anyone know? I think this is a topic worthy of research. Must investigate further.

I'm on day 3 of the good meds [insert manly grunts here], and have partial use of my right hand today. I can hold a fork to eat and everything! This gives me hope I can stamp this weekend. I have much catching up to do. :)

 Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Hmmm, I have googled poison ivy for you, there are several uses, but the main one seems to be to reduce swelling, ironically enough. Poor you, I know how you feel. I have arthritis in my wrist. I am fine most of the time, but when it strikes I'm stuffed!! Fortunately, I am a right handed, but doing up my bra & buttons on clothes, I suffer!! I hope you feel better soon. Big hugs! Xxx

  2. Well, you're just pitiful with your unkempt hair, poorly brushed teeth, dirty face, and unwashed left armpit. I hope you are back to normal soon! I have been fortunate enough never to have poison ivy/oak/sumac and therefore I do not tempt fate by going too near UGTs (unidentified green things) outside. It looks so harmless and resembles other perfectly harmless plants, it's not fair!

  3. 1. Did you hunt and peck to write this post?
    2. Did you get to stay home from work?:)
    3. Will you respect Mother Nature's power from now on?
    Hope you're better soon, friend.

  4. 1. Did you hunt and peck to write this post?
    2. Did you get to stay home from work?:)
    3. Will you respect Mother Nature's power from now on?
    Hope you're better soon, friend.

  5. 1. Did you hunt and peck to write this post?
    2. Did you get to stay home from work?:)
    3. Will you respect Mother Nature's power from now on?
    Hope you're better soon, friend.

  6. 1. Did you hunt and peck to write this post?
    2. Did you get to stay home from work?:)
    3. Will you respect Mother Nature's power from now on?
    Hope you're better soon, friend.

  7. 1. Did you hunt and peck to write this post?
    2. Did you get to stay home from work?:)
    3. Will you respect Mother Nature's power from now on?
    Hope you're better soon, friend.

  8. well my word, I totally have been outta touch. I did not know you were gimpy this week! It hasn't affected your crafting ability- love all your projects the last few days! My husband is deathly allergic to poison ivy too. Not fun.


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)