
Friday, August 24, 2012

A Fuzzy Blue Kitteh

Today is a special birthday! It is! Today my bloggy and tweepy pal Lydia, aka: UnderstandBlue, is one year older and better! I used that excuse to make her a card using a stamp she designed herself, modeled after one of her kitties: Maddie.

Here's the card, then I'll explain:

First, I have to tell you whoever called it Fun Flock was a liar. Or maybe I don't use it enough to get good at it, which is a distinct possibility. ANYway, I was going to ink up the Maddie* stamp in the colors of her two kittehs, but instead I decided to make it blue, in honor of her special day, and because I kinda doubt anyone else got her a blue kitteh. And if they did, I'm okay with it!

The kitteh is a bit demonic, and that was not intentional. I colored her eyes with a green glitter pen before I flocked her (yes, all stamping terms sound dirty), and I colored the little heart with a red glitter pen, too, but post-flocking, well, see for yourself:

Her flocking got in her eyes. :(

Every time I use the Maddie stamp I cut her out and leave the tail all curly like that. Hopefully Lydia will be so wowed by the fuzzy blue kitteh that she'll overlook the demonic thing.

Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Lydia! May you have many mooooooooore!

Thanks for stopping by!

*You can purchase your own sassy Maddie stamp here.


  1. bwahahahah omg I am ROLLING!! I can't believe that it was my card that you sent that tweet about - BWAHAHAHAHAH!!!!

    Maddie does look demonic sometimes, so it's fine :) It actually has a cool ironstone look that I love.

    Thank you SO much for giving me the gift of my sassy Maddie! Best birthday card ever!!

  2. Love that little kitty cat - I hope you'll link up at 52 Card Pickup again this week!

  3. The mind goes right to the gutter, I tell ya. I don't know if I qualify as 'good at it' but I do love to use flock...and I like how it comes out. Probably I practiced more because I'm so immature that I get a charge out of saying I'm practicing my flocking? Ahem.
    I love the curly tail, and the slightly demonic look - she goes well with my cats!

  4. She is a little demonic looking, but I think she's just a little upset because *someone* got flocking in her eyes! I agree that Fun Flock is not all that much fun - I have lots of it and cannot remember why I had to have it.


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)