
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Okay, Okay, One More

I had every intention of shutting down The Captain's Quarters for the evening, but as I cleaned up (see what happens when I clean?) and sorted through completed challenge print-outs so I could recycle the paper, I spied this one from Retro Sketches:

and I had an idea. So I did one more card:

So. much. white. space. I KNOW! But I love these Basic Grey Lemonade papers, and since they were still out from a previous card *ahem* they got used. And even though I'd put away my MFT Twisted Threesome set, I pulled it out again because it had a small word that was perfect for the sketch.

Okay, NOW I'm finished. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. You are a card making machine!! Love these papers - such a pretty card!!

  2. I love it when that happens. :)
    Gorgeous card! I too love those basic grey papers, i know i have some somewhere, i may need to go pull them out!!
    Thanks for playing along with us at RetroSketches!

  3. I think I might have a wee little bit of Lemonade left...I ended up with 2 since I loved it so much. By the by, hubby made lemonade yesterday & when the kids asked for some, he made them sing Elvis Eddie Murphy style first - "Lemonade, that cool refreshing drink." Still making me giggle :)

  4. Very cool. That sketch looks like a good one to go back to. "-)

  5. LOL - "seriously"??? Love the sentiment and the pretty papers. And the pearls!

  6. Oh YES!!! Fantastic DP you used for this fabulous CAS card! Love the sentiment with it too!


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

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