
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Don't Drink And Fly

We all know by now I don't "do" Halloween, but a pal asked if I had any funny Halloween cards, and I thought of the perfect stamps. Here is this year's version of Don't Drink And Fly:

I probably should have made the brick wall a lighter color, like, oooh, I don't know: brick red? Whatever, I still love this witch. Here she is, up close and personal:

Yes, I cut her out, x4. No, I didn't cut in between her fingers or along the broom. No, I don't know what I was thinking. But isn't she great?

Note to self: Next time cut her out before you color the black shoes so you can see the lines. ;/

Also, all the orange layers are remnants from my now-organized box of 1/4 pieces of card stock. It was so easy to find them!  Oh, and no ribbon! I must be slipping.

In other news, I'm taking my show on the road tomorrow to teach a friend how to make cards. The chosen theme is Christmas, with focus on snowflakes and deer. Hmmm, my challenge is to pack what I need and not forget anything. I'm debating about the Big Shot. And I just remembered I need card bases. And envelopes.

Oh, oh, I have an envelope story!  I was packing up my cards for OWH last night and I RAN OUT OF ENVELOPES! ACK! I NEVER run out of envelopes. I buy 500 or 750 at a time! I tweeted my crisis and one of my crafty tweeps, Kara, who I met through The Bloggess has taken up card-making for OWH because of me, and has bought 1000 envelopes because of me, and offered to drive across the county to deliver me some this morning. We had a brief tweet-up in the parking lot of a grocery store and made the clandestine hand-off of envelopes for cash. It was fabulous. I love Twitter and the Interwebz and the Lawsbians (my fellow Bloggess minions). THIS is how social media works, people. Now back to our regular program ...

Supplies not listed below include the brick wall (Hanna Stamps), the witch (A*Muse), the sentiment (Eat Cake Graphics), and the papers (Basic Grey eerie).

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Witches, clandestine meet-ups...Leslie! I think the witch is adorable, and yes, brick red might have been a better choice but it's adorable just the same.

  2. this is fantastic! i wanna hang out with that witch!
    -Rachel w k

  3. This is the only Halloween card you need, Leslie. There you go :)
    The great envelope hand-off has made me grin, big time. How great is that? Love it!

  4. Fabulous card! Love that image :)

  5. So funny! Love the sentiments that make me laugh. Glad your envie crisis was solved. And have fun with your crafty buddies!

  6. you SO ROCK both the funny card realm AND the social media realm! such a cooooooool halloween card!!!


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)