
Monday, September 3, 2012

Neon - Yikes!

I don't know what came over me, but get your sun glasses, man. This one is bright!

When I saw the Clean & Simple sketch:

I decided to use my neglected Many Dots Hero Arts set with my three HA Neon Inks. I may or may not have ordered the other three colors, but they aren't here yet, so I had to get creative for the green and the purple. For those, I used my Color Box Queue:

The green and purple were perfect stand-ins, and as an added bonus, because they are pigment inks, I got to emboss them. Lookie:

I did plain old heat embossing for the circle, which I managed to mostly center in a Nestabilities circle die, but for the butterfly (Studio Calico veneer) I did the heat + emboss + repeat. I held the center with my tweezers, then after I heated it, I dipped it right back into the EP for another coat. This has three or four coats.  I lost track, as I was distracted by a mis-directed heat gun that blew across the open vat of EP. Let me just say I sure hope there isn't a heat wave any time soon - my carpet will be slick! GAH!

Oh, and for my last trick, check out that handsome coordinating green edge on the card:

Isn't is amazing how it matches the green ink? heh heh Lacking matching paper, I just did direct-to-paper along the edges of the base with the green ink and dried it with the heat gun. I even like that it's not perfectly smooth. It has character. :) And it didn't even have to be evenly applied, as it got covered up with my top layer.

I went back and added some pearls to fill up the white space (me and white space - meh). I colored them with my Copic YG23, which I declared to be really really really close to the green ink. Um, please ignore the green pearl on the pink circle. I had attempted to disguise my poor stamping, but I think I've just drawn attention to it, instead. Also, it looks like a confused olive.

Hey, this is Hero Arts and it has embossing, so I think it qualifies for the current A Blog Named Hero challenge. Bonus!

In other news, Tropical Storm Leslie is mixing things up in the Caribbean, but unless she turns left, I don't think she'll do much damage. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some embossing powder to clean up.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. That's beautiful! I love the bright card - especially the purple butterfly!! I need to get some of those neon inks!

  2. lolol you just crack me up! Between my now black embossed bathroom counters and your carpet- yeesh! LOVE this cheery! *snort* confused olive lol

  3. WAH!!!!! Love it so much Leslie!!!! Just look at all that neon awesomeness!!!! And that confused olive is the best, ha!!!! Hugs!!!

  4. i was thinking of you this weekend, when i saw TS les being discussed, lol! all things considered, i think i'd plump for a mild hurricane over a massive EP spill, yeeeeeouch! :(

    oh yeah THE CARD!!! it is ♥GORGEOUS♥ one of the best of the sudden spate of neon ones i've seen... not to mention the coolest version ever of that fab C&S sketch! you were totally ON A ROLL this weekend!!! ♥

  5. Great take on the sketch-I'd love for you to link up at 52 Card Pickup this week!


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

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