
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Some VSN cards

I was a busy little bee over the weekend, so I thought I'd share some of my VSN creations with you. The main theme was Back To School, and each challenge hostess chose a school-related theme for their individual challenges. For example, one of the challenges was based on Phys Ed, or Gym (as some of us called it), so her challenge was to make a card based on a sport or activity.  Here's mine:

heh heh I am so bad. Then, while in the throes of challenge cards, I had another idea and made this one:

This next one was based on "the wheels on the bus go round and round", so we were supposed to make "something with wheels", or as a bonus we could make a round card. Well, that wasn't happening in 45 minutes, so I opted for the "wheels" and made this:

This was in honor of my car being towed to the mechanic to get a new battery and unflatten the tires. :(

One challenge was "the 3 Rs", and we had to use three things that started with the letter R. Here is my card:

I used a Red Rolled Ribbon. If someone wanted to make a case that this was actually twisted, not rolled (ala shaken, not stirred), it's sitting on a rectangle. Also, please note that the layer is orange, and the ribbon is red with orange dots. Yeah, this is about the only time I'd use it. ;/

Another challenge was "Kids' favorite foods". Not necessarily what we want them to eat, but what they like to eat. I made this:

 Cupcakes, loved by kids of all ages. :)

One challenge was ABCs, where we needed to include an image or technique that start with the letters A, B and C. I made this:

 A = Animal, B = black card stock, and C = circles (on the washi tape). Easy.

The last one I'll share tonight was for the Graffiti challenge, where we needed to use something that sprays. I made this:

That blue oval was a UFO, and I don't even remember how I colored it, but it was quite a while ago. I stamped that Tim Holtz image on it last week, then put it back into the UFO pile to languish a little longer. For the VSN challenge, all I did was spray the oval with pearlized water (it's shiny now), stamp the background on the Kraft card base, add the ribbon and stick on the oval. Since it was a UFO (and already done), this was like a 20 minute card. And that UFO is GONE! :D

So that's part of what I created, each one in under 45 minutes, and it was so much fun. I'll alert you to the next VSN so you can play, too. Heck, you could even hostess a challenge of your own! 

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Great cards, as usual! I totally think you should get extra credit for ABC...Z (zebra)!

  2. Dead battery AND flat tires? Did you anger the Car Gods somehow? What (bad) luck :(
    Love this combo of cards, but I laughed right out loud at the first one. It's my first week back at Zumba and already twice I've tried to talk myself into staying home. Don't do it! No abs at home. No pants that fit at home!

  3. Each card has a coolness all its own. I like your use of multi colored patterned papers. Instant decor!

  4. holy shmolly! I would LOVE to know how you come up with all these great ideas. Especially considering you had 45 min to come up with a design AND implement it. In 45 min!!!!

  5. It looks like you had a wonderful time with VSN! But flat tires and a dead battery - boo bad!


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)