
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Autumn Tree

This is another one of those "it seemed like a good idea at the time" projects. Here's my card, then I'll explain:

I was inspired by a tree I saw on the way home from work. The outer edges were golden yellow, the top was red and the inside leaves were still green. I immediately knew I needed to use this tree die, and it came out pretty much as I'd envisioned it in my head. However, the rest of the card didn't happen easily.

I know, you're probably thinking it's just some cut green scraps - how hard can it be? In my world, it's hard. Er, difficult. I was working with remnants, and I kept cutting the hills wrong. Then I went to emboss the sentiment and I used white instead of off-white, so I removed the top layer of green and went back to trying to add another hill that worked. Three days, people; we're talking three days for a stoopid hill. I got smart and used the Stamp-A-Ma-Jig to align the sentiment, and I used SU Winter White EP, which is still too white for this card, but I don't have any cream-colored EP. Does anyone even make it?

Hmmm, I just noticed all that big open in the upper right corner. I'm feeling a bit twitchy... it might need birds.

I just looked outside, and thought I'd show you the view out my back door:

See how that yellow tree is still green in the center? That red tree is mine, and it's not well. I have a tree guy coming out today to see if she can be saved. I do love the red.

I have a stack of challenges laid out to tackle this weekend. I'll be back if I actually get to any of them.

Thanks for stopping by!

PS: The Arboscello Tree Die is detailed enough you need the metal shim with it. It pops right out!

Products used but not linked below: Twinery twine, MS deer punch, SU Confetti Cream card stock (I think), SU Winter White EP, SU So Happy For You stamp set. Also, I included the Distress Seasonal collections below, but you can buy the inks individually now.


  1. Gorgeous! I passed a tree like this driving home and the sun was right behind it, captured Fall for me. I love how you colored the tree. Not sure about the off white/cream EP, I've wanted some too. I can't mix white + cream. Maybe some faux stitching in the upper right?

  2. Beautiful! The hills are lovely; love the tree.The metal shim is on my wish list. I have a die that needs multiple layers of eclipse tape & several passes.

  3. Can you tint the white EP to get a creamy color if it isn't available for sale?

  4. Leslie, this is so pretty! Love the tree die and actually have one similar and never have known what to do with it. Very creative the way you did the different colors on it.
    Looks like fall has hit your area! So pretty.

  5. That is so pretty. We have a lot of those trees down here, too, but I hope the wind doesn't blow off the rest of the leaves. I'm not through with the fall colors yet!

  6. i think this is a beautiful card and you tree looks fabulous. i totally hear ya on spending way too long on the simplest part of a card. sigh
    -Rachel w k

  7. I think it looks great, no one would know the angst that went in to it LOL! And thanks for the heads up about the metal shim, didn't know there was one, will have to add it to my shopping list!

  8. I've SEEN off white - but of course I was looking for pure white at the time. I want to say it was ZING brand, but it was a while ago. At least you know that somewhere in the wide world it exists! It was called "vanilla".
    The tree is amayzing - the colour variations you created? Totally stunning! I love it :)

  9. Such beautiful colors -- on your card and in your picture.

    I think you might be okay with the white sentiment. I mean, it looks good to me, but a more convincing argument can also be made: the white of the sentiment doesn't go with the creamy background, but it does go with the white in the string/twine, at least as far as I can see in the photograph.


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)