
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

It Seemed Like A Good Idea At the Time

I love blurfing. I like to see what my fellow crafty peeps are up to, and what challenges they've found that I can also play. One of my fellow SOS DT gals, One Crafty Mama, was in my Reader even before she came on board at SOS, so I knew we'd get along splendidly. *waves*

Last weekend she alerted us to a WCMD challenge that involved sketches, so even though it was past the linking deadline, I still wanted to play. A sketch is a sketch, right? Here is her post, which links to the sketches here. Are you lost yet? Do you see why blurfing is a tough job? You can get lost if you're not careful.

Here's the sketch I used:

So I had this idea. Instead of using individual squares like a normal person, I decided I could weave paper and get the same effect. This is what happened:

What we have here is a failure to do basic math. If you think for one second there is no math in stamping and paper crafting, you are very, very mistaken. I cut strips of my precious Lawn Fawn paper into 3/4" widths, then cut those into 2 1/4" lengths (3 x 3/4 = 2 1/4). Unfortunately, when you weave paper (or anything, really), it takes up some of the length, so you are left with a too-short piece. I started over three times, and I used up a lot of my pretty green brick paper. I was sad. I then switched papers, cut them a little longer, and made this:

I ended up outlining the orange pieces with my brown Memento marker so they had more definition (read: didn't fade into the card base).

In hindsight, maybe a 3/4" square punch might have been easier, but I'm a rebel, and I needed to at least try my idea to see if it was worth it. The jury is still out.

In other news, I'm back at work today. I've left my sick bed and ventured out into the real world. Let's hope I survive. If I do, I shall be rewarded with a massssssaaaaage at day's end. I win. :D

Thanks for stopping by!

Items used but not linked below: GinaK white card stock, SU brown card stock. Also, I used the Memento Cocoa marker that I bought individually, but I linked to the collection below.


  1. Brilliant take on the sketch love it I'm going to get lost now lol

  2. oooh, love the paper weaving! sorry to hear about the paper casualties though - I'm sure they'll be put to good use (eventually).

  3. I'm glad you are feeling better! Good job with the paper weaving, it makes an excellent masculine card.

  4. LOL!! Well, it all finally paid off just wonderful! Great guy card and love the DP too!!

  5. *waves*
    If using squares makes me a normal person, there are going to be some very surprised psychiatrists out there.
    Not to mention family members.
    At the very least we share a horribly irreverent sense of humour - I like to imagine us grey-haired and shocking passersby with our cackling. We should make plans!
    I love this sentiment, btw. That's just fun! And, a massage? You definitely win. Glad you're feeling better!

  6. This is a GORGEOUS masculine card! I KWYM when the process of a seemingly-easy-sketch turns into a nightmare...lining up the squares...ugh. I do love your version. Perhaps I could try this with the PTI hexagons; great inspiration, L!!!


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)