
Friday, November 16, 2012


It's just a normal night in the Crooked household. No, no it's not. I took this afternoon off from work, came home, and with a ton of nervous energy I've been cleaning and ... cleaning. Why just now I went into the kitchen to re-fill my Stampin' Mist stamp cleaner spritzer bottle and got distracted ... I cleared and refilled the dishwasher. THIS. IS. NOT. NORMAL.

You see, I need to actually leave the house after midnight and drive about an hour north to pick up my new kitty. Squeeeee! Yeah, that might be the source of the excitement and nervous energy and lack of sleep the past few nights.  But in the end, it's all good.

So what did I do? Sitting still wasn't working, so I decided to stamp. Bad decision, but there was some new *ahem* loot in the house so I decided to use it then put it away. This is what I made:

I fell in love with this All Is Bright paper and coordinating stamp set from My Minds Eye, so yeah, I bought it. But since I don't send holiday cards, and I'm not doing any shows this year so I can't even sell them, and the OWH deadline for holiday cards was Oct 31st, I challenged myself to use Christmas paper and stamps to make a non-Christmas card. That's actually the reason I allowed myself to purchase the stuff in the first place.

The red and minty green papers are from the paper pack, and the banners were stamped on a grid-like paper from the pack so they weren't boring:

You can sorta see the grid there.

So except for the fact that I am speeding on adrenaline and forgot to round the corners, what do you think? Not Christmas?  I think it passes. :)

Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go find something else to clean to kill some more time. I promise kitteh pictures later this weekend!

Thanks for stopping by!

Products used but not linked below: Bazzill Avalanche card stock, Pink Hedge Hog Aged Copper brads.


  1. I love the card and I am excited to meet the new kitteh!

  2. Just caught up with this and I am so excited for you. What a stunner of a kitteh. I am so sorry I missed about your loss of your other kitteh sad :( Beautiful cards as always xxxxx

  3. Can't wait to see Bobra. Drive safe going to get him. Hugs n' Stuff, Lynne

  4. oohh I missed the fact you are getting a new kitty! So thrilled! Please post pics! And the card is fabby- as always, you knocked it out of the park!

  5. Oh how cute! I love that little pennant banner!

  6. This is a FAB card!! I love the addition of the banner!

  7. LOVE IT! Totally non-Christmasy. I have a few bits from that collection, and a lot of it will work well that way :)
    I constantly have that sort of household ADD - just in the last hour, I've been catching up on Google Reader. Went to the bathroom, realized how much laundry there was, collected & sorted it, went downstairs to throw a load in, saw how bad the litter box was, scooped that, took it out.
    Came in to wash my hands, remembered that the kitchen sink is full of dishes I started an hour ago, did several sinks of those, and now I'm back at the computer.
    It's a wonder I ever finish anything. You add excitement into the mix, and FORGET IT.

  8. Congrats on your new baby! As a mum to two felines who rule my world I totally get your excitement!

    I like the challenge you set yourself with the card and the result! I will have to try something like this with my many Christmas paper scraps.


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)