I haven't gotten too much stamping done this week due to work on The Project, but I did accomplish one thing. Well, *I* didn't do it, but I hired someone else to do it for me, and it got done today. What might that be? I had my gardens tilled, which is not the same thing as having my clock cleaned*, though that is something I do need to schedule.
Following are the before and after shots I remembered to take for posterity. First up: most of the back yard:
I cut the grass yesterday. Doesn't it look nice? :)
And the side where the garden will go:
You can kinda see the string (well, really it's yarn) I put up with craft Popsicle sticks to indicate the area to be dug up. We crafters have everything.
Here is a shot of the sod cutter in progress:
I cannot imagine doing this by hand. Ugh. Backbreaking work.
Ready for the after? Here's the main part of the yard:
and the garden:
All tilled and ready for me to get started. It took them about 1 1/2 hours. Soooo worth it! I plan to head out now to pick up some manure (treated, of course) and some vegetable plants. And maybe some plants for the back corners. I need to beat the weekend crowds!
I'm attending an all-day crop on Saturday, so hopefully I'll get something done that's worthy of sharing. That is, if I can think of what to pack. I still have no clue what I'll work on. Sigh.
Thanks for stopping by!
* Seriously, I have a grandfather clock, and they need to be cleaned every few years. Plus, mine was moved part-way across the country, so it needs attention. I love having the clock cleaned and being able to tell people. I also might be a 12-year-old.
just a suggestion. I see you have tilled right up to your foundation. That's not a good idea. You will need to water the plants and you don't want that water to find it's way into your basement. If you do not have a basement I guess it's okay. Other than that....Looks like you have a whole lot of work ahead. Gardening is fun !