
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Cool Chick

Over the past few days I've read several articles and blog posts about how we add stress to our lives by over-booking and over-committing because we think we "have to" or we "should". I would do certain challenges every week because I always have, and I can't possibly skip one! OMG, the world would end! No, no it wouldn't.

I've already made several changes over the past 6 months. I stopped doing the weekly Farmers Markets some time mid-September. I've also stopped doing my monthly SU classes, though I'm still an active Demo. There's a story behind both of those, but that's not what I want to talk about today. Today I want to talk about the stack of sketches and color challenges I print out for myself every week and tell myself I must do them before next week's challenges are posted. No, I mustn't.

The only thing I HAVE to do is my weekly project for SOS, which I love because it forces me to use stash, which is why I begged to be on that DT in the first place, so it's really a "want to do". Stash - I haz it. And it's spilled over into most of the other challenges I do, too. I am buying way less than I used to, I'm using what I already have, and I'm having fun. If I don't feel like stamping, I don't.

I am now one ... cool ... chick.

So tonight, while reading through my Google Reader backlog (I hit the dreaded 1000+ this week. ;/), someone mentioned the Herringbone tutorial on Splitcoast, and I decided to try it. I mean, it's not like I don't have packs of patterned papers already out, right? :)

I made this:

The papers are from my still-out Memory Box brioche pack, and I used almost all remnants. I cut them into 1/2" strips and followed the instructions to place them onto the panel. The blue layer is (I think) SU Pool Party, as is the ribbon; the card stock behind the tag is SU Poppy Parade. The blue brad is from a vast collection of Every Color Brad & Eyelet and I declared it "close enough". And last, but not least, I opened and used my Paper Smooches My Peeps stamp set. This totally allows me to buy some of their new stuff coming out March 1st, right? RIGHT?!


So thanks for listening, and thanks for stopping by!


  1. Yes, you're so right. So many of us add unnecessary stress to our lives. And we forget too many times to add fun to the mix.

    So, good for you. You ARE a cool, creative chick!

  2. love it...that pattern is awesome and I totally agree with you about the not feeling obligated thing...I am the same playing along and at one point felt I must, but now I just do challenges when I want to and not cuz I feel I have to...I think you end up with a nicer finished product that way too...


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)