
Monday, February 6, 2012

Jingle Belles - Banner Day

I love technology. I may not always embrace all of it, but I can appreciate it all the same. Take, for instance, the ability to set up an email address that will publish whatever you type and post it to your blog. Yep! It's easy to set up and easy to use. Why, just this morning I emailed myself a note to bring in vinegar tomorrow so we can de-scale the Keurig, and I accidentally sent it to the OTHER email address that subsequently published it as a blog post.  So if you saw something in your Reader that says "bring in vinegar", yeah, that was it. I've since deleted it, but just imagine what else it could have been. O_o

Moving right along ...

Tonight I worked on my entry for the current Jingle Belles Rock challenge, which is to use their blog header as inspiration for our card:

I saw blue and red, and I saw sparkle, and I saw bells. So I had this idea ...  I wanted to make something using my cache of glimmer papers I picked up at Mike's a little over a year ago. I started by using my MFT snowflake dies to make three of these snowflake stacks:

They went perfectly with the header, but did they go with anything else? I pulled out this sketch from CPS-Card Sketches:

and some old old old Figgy Pudding papers, and I made this:

 ACK! FAIL! Blech! What was I thinking?!?! So I set the card aside and tried to find something else to do with those shimmery snowflakes.

Next I took this sketch, also from CPS-Card Sketches:

and I made this:

I managed to use one of the shimmery snowflake bundles ... trust me, I tried to get all three of them on there ... and I added some red bling in that big empty blue space, which I think helps. Well, it helps my fear of white space ...

Then I went back to the first card and made it into something else:

It has red bling, too, because the red bling was still out. That's how things work in my world.

In other news, I just remembered I need to take the vinegar in to work tomorrow, so I've placed it in the front hall so I can trip over it on my way out the door. Hey, the fact that someone else volunteered to de-scale the Keurig, which will take the better part of the day, I'm okay with supplying the vinegar. Plus, it's no longer on my kitchen floor, so there's that.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go link up to the Jingle Belles blog. Remember to stop back here tomorrow for the next Shopping Our Stash challenge. :)

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Love those glittery snowflake stacks (and that I'm not the only one who e-mails myself reminders) ... so very glad you joined us at jingle belles.

  2. I do like the snowflakes better on the second card. I'm glad there was an explanation for the "bring in the vinegar" post that I got yesterday. I thought perhaps it was a wonderful new technique that you had invented! Enjoy your coffee!

  3. oof! now see, you call it a "fail" but i call it MAKING TWO lovely banner-inspired cards in the same card-making session!!! something that RARELY happens to me, not that i'm jealous of your superior skills or anything, lol!!! ♥LOVING♥ the colors, the papers, and ESSSSPECIALLLLLLLLLLY those divine glittery snowflakes!!!!! ♥

    ps: i'm glad you're "on it" re the vinegar but tell me this, whose bringin' in da funk and da noise, eh??!?! :) :) :)

    pss: lhj did our coffee pot last weekend and i came home in the middle and thought there had been an accident at the easter egg factory! :)

    psss: the blogging story you told is EXACTLY why i will never use that procedure for my own posts. sheesh, ppl think i'm weird enough NOW, ta v much!!!!!

  4. OH MY GOODNESS! I love the snowflakes and how blingy they are! You are getting a head start on your Christmas cards this year! WOO HOO!

  5. LOL, Leslie, your post made me laugh! I hope you DIDN'T trip over the vinegar on your way out the door! LOL! I also lovvvvved your comments on your first attempt at the challenge...heheheheeee. I'm glad you did a re-do, and also salvaged the first card. Both are awesome! :)

  6. I really do like them both! Fear of white space, LOL, I can relate... ;D I really love the mix of patterned papers you've used on both cards, they definitely evoke the same feeling as the banner. Great tweeting with you this morning! :)


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)