
Friday, February 24, 2012

New Toy

Many moons ago, I watched a bloggy pal of mine use some Faber Castell Gelatos to make some fabby cards. They are like chap stick sticks with gel-like water color medium inside. This might even make sense here in a bit. ;/

Here are the Gelatos I bought months ago:

These are the Mix & Match Metalic 4-pack, and they really are shiny! That green one is separate from the others mostly because it refused to behave, but deep down it knew it was my favorite. :)

I played around for a bit, then went to YouTube to look for videos that might give me a clue, and I found this one. If you want to watch the video, go right ahead ... I'll wait.  ... ... {Jeopardy music} ... ...

Okay, so we're doing emboss resist. I have pre-embossed card stock - I think Bazzill. Following the instructions in the video, I applied each color Gelato in turn to the card stock, then rubbed it in with my finger to blend it. I then wiped it off the embossed parts with a wet wipe and then I made this:

Some of the colors bled a little because of the wet wipe, so I finished wiping it with a dry paper towel. I liked that method better.  

As I said earlier, these metallic Gelatos are really shiny - here is my attempt to show that to you:

Yep - that green might be my favorite!

In other news, I participated in a Twitter chat last night with Splitcoast and Design Memory Craft and I won another set of Gelatos! Whoot! I picked green, of course. :) Maybe I'll play with these some more this weekend. I'm planning another jammies & crafty two days, so I just might!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. two days in jammies and crafting? can you hear the jealousy in my typing? might have to try that on Sunday myself...

  2. Very pretty! I have heard of these but haven't seen them used. Congrats on your win, too. New toys are always fun, especially when they're free.

  3. Ooooh, shiny.... So many ideas for these guys.... Love what you did... *smile*


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

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