
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Distress Ink Homework

So I'm finally working on my Creative Chemistry 101 homework, and I've mostly made a mess. We're supposed to make a manila tag for each technique. but I've taken a techniques class before, and I'm pretty sure I've lost my tag book. Nope, I do better with making something out of the piece of paper I'm using for the technique, or like today, the 18 pieces of paper I burned through. Yeah, like I said: a mess.

I did manage to kinda sorta do two of the three techniques from the second day, and here's what I've made -->

First, the Blend, Spritz & Flick. {snicker} I dared Tim to say that fast three times. I hope he does it on camera in one of next week's classes. :D I'm so bad. ANYway, you're supposed to blend several colors of Distress ink onto a tag (or in my case, a piece of Very Vanilla card stock), then flick some water onto it to get a wet-with-rain-drops look. Here's mine:

I chose poorly with my colors, but I am very proud that I finally opened my Distress Fall limited edition pack of inks (brown, purple and orange) and used them! I added a green from the Winter limited edition pack.  I think I'd have done better with lighter colors and more of them. And I didn't actually "blend" much. I know I still need practice.

I stamped over the thing with some Clear & Simple Grunge images, layered it onto Early Espresso, tied on some brown twine, and stuck it onto a Kraft base.

Here's a closer shot so you can see some of the water marks:

Yep, they're there! :)

My next technique was the Wrinkle-Free Distress technique, and let me tell you: this was messy. We were supposed to schmear several Distress inks onto our craft mat, spritz with water, then press the card stock (or tag) into the inky mess. Tim's looked fantastic, of course. The following is the only one of mine that I'm willing to show you:

(Sorry that pic is so dark. ;/)  I didn't have enough water on my surface for this one, which may be why I like it best of all the 10 or 15 I tried. I cut it up and layered the pieces on a piece of Perfect Plum. I saw the birds-on-a-wire thing somewhere in my blurfing - I think someone used a MS punch. I used two black birds from an OMG I NEED THIS box of Maya Road felt birds and set them on top of a very skinny piece of black card stock.

So yeah, I like these better when I've used them on a card. There's one more technique for this day's lessons, then I need to wait for my shipment of goodies next week to finish the other assignments. Whaaaaaaat, aren't classes supposed to be shopping excuses? Well, I will tell you there are several techniques I do not plan to try, nor do I plan to get the supplies for them, so what I did get I do plan to use, so there. :P

I'll share more as I do more of the assignments. :)

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I like them all but I like the last one best, too. I have tried the technique of which you speak, and it is mucho messy-o. I didn't like it. I liked it best with watercolor paper, but it's not something I am going to do often.

  2. welcome to the messy inky side. Soon you will be making cards that take three days to dry.

  3. I love how you turned these into cards - I think they are GORGEOUS! I really love the bird card, very cool!


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

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