
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Another Shaped Card

I don't know when to quit; when to admit I've been beaten. After this episode, I think I'll be fine with the knowledge that I have the skillz to make a shaped card if I never need to. Otherwise, I'll stick to plain ol' A2.

After the owl disaster, I decided to try a less-fussy shape, and used the same balloon shape as this card. I sized it to just under A2 size and this is what came out:

The making of the shape isn't the difficult part for me. Nope. The tough part for me is what to do with it once it's been cut. I usually go crazy and do strange things. This time I've embossed only the card front, which was kinda fun, then I manipulated one of the free images we got in our A Cut Above class and used only the sentiment, sized it, then cut it out of red. I lost the dot for the 'i', but I was okay with that, thinking I'd just add a faux gem. Then I chose silver, and I had to add a few more to make it look less out-of-place. Then I stopped.

It's not too bad. Let me show you of bit of the design process. Here is the image from Silhouette Studio before I sent it to cut:

I lined up two of the balloons, eliminated the extra piece from what would become the inside of the card, overlapped them and welded them to get that nifty attached part.

This is what it looks like (mostly) open:

I think I'll go back to plain A2 cards now, though. In fact, some of the results of my "It's only $35 for the class ... but I NEED that stuff" shopping has arrived and I should probably use some of it. Yeah, I am weak. I hope to have some more cards to share later this weekend.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I think your owl and balloon shaped cards are adorable and fun. All your cards are lovely.

  2. I likee. I think you did a great job with the shaped cards.

  3. ok, again i've gotta say,i like this one, too! but... if you really don't, then i will also say, "PROCESS IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN OUTCOME!" b/c the point right NOW is to LEARN the software and how to do the various twists (like shaped/welded cards) which you've done here brilliantly!

    the next time you think of a card you want to make that NEEDS the shape... like, say, i MONSTA CARD (!!!) not only will the card be AWESOME--b/c you'll be in "design" mode in addition to learn mode; but you'll be able to make it easily b/c you practiced!!!!! wahey!!!

    (totally ignoring the fact here that you're making me NEED a flippin' electronic diecutter now dammit!!!!!) (GAH!!!) :) :) :)


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)