
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Because I Could

While I was making this card last night, I shook my head at myself a lot, but I kept going anyway, mostly because I could. I started out innocently enough playing with my Silhouette Cameo, largely influenced to do so by the first lesson in Part 2 of the A Cut Above online class I'm taking. The second half of the 3-week class focuses on the Silhouette.

I cut a bunch of flowers out of Poppy Parade with the idea to make a row of small flowers across the front of a card, but once I got into The Captain's Quarters with the cut flowers, I lost control. Let me show you the card, then I'll explain:

 The bottom part of the card is a nod to the Partial Embossing class. I even drew a scored line across the top edge of the embossing. See? I was listening in class!  Next, I die-cut some clouds out of the blue piece, then cut some more out of white. This was a nod to our Die Cutting Both Positive and Negative lesson. More on that in a sec.

In keeping with the more-is-more theme of this card, I decided to stick the poppy flowers down and put GREEN brads in their centers. I ... don't know why. Well, actually I DO know why. I had matchy-matchy blue & poppy brads in my hand and was getting all *yawn* boooooring, until I spied the green brads in the same box and, well, yeah -- I used them.

I stuck the whole blue piece to the white base with 34725 dimensionals, then I went to work on the clouds:

This is the whole positive & negative thing. Instead of just leaving the white base to show through the die-cut cloud openings, I popped up some additional white clouds directly in the openings, and they are actually double-popped up to be taller than the blue layer. LOTS of dimension going on here.

Finally, I added some birds (hey, it's what I do) mostly to hide some unexplained scratches on the card stock.

So there you have it: an over-the-top combination homework project. Now that I look at it, maybe it's not as fugly as I originally thought.

Oh, it's past Wednesday night, isn't it? Time to pick a winner for my Blogiversary G-I-V-E-A-W-A-Y! Just so you know I'm on the up-and-up, there were 13 comments but only 10 people, so I used and picked a number between 1 and 10:

The 9th person who commented was ... drum-roll please ... LAUREN! Congratulations! Please email me your mailing address, because I know I've lost it! :D

Thanks to everyone for playing, and thanks for stopping by!


  1. HAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHHHAHHAHAAHH!!!!!!! *breathe* HAHHA!! Oh my!! You make me laugh! :D I wouldn't call your card "fugly", missy! But, it sure does have some action going on, doesn't it? ;) I love your clouds, though. They rock! And so does that embossing at the bottom. Maybe it's the green brads that are so distracting? Or the flowers? Not sure. Anyway...NOT "fugly". Nope. No way!!

    Your blog posts are awesome, please don't ever change. xoxo

  2. I do enjoy your sense of humor, please keep up the good work. I don't think that your card is fugly either, and I actually like the green brads on the red flowers. It needed a little pop of color. Matchy matchy....pffttt.

  3. Hey, I like this card! It totally looks like something I'd buy :)

  4. I think the card is awesome. Tonnes of techniques and they don't have to compete with each other cuz they work so well together!

  5. See, told you I'd be back for more talk about nothing?
    Actually, your card makes me want to play a little more with my Silhouette. I think the card looks rather funky. Also love how you popped up those clouds.

  6. ooooooooh! thank you thank you thank you! i'm psyched!!! awesome! prizes! wahey! ♥

    (ps: i am LOVING all these silhoutte cards and techniques! you are ROCKIN' the "learn new stuff" factor!!!) :)


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)