
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

SOS Challenge 48 - April Showers

This week's challenge at Shopping Our Stash is April Showers. But since we are SO NICE, and our object is to use stash, we've stre-e-e-e-tched the theme to include April Showers or SNOW (think: Christmas Card Challenges). Actually, anything weather/water related will work: umbrella, seahorses, scuba, fishes, seascapes, ponds, oceans, snowflakes, snowfall, snowmen, rainy days, raincoats, rubber boots, rain clouds, clouds, rainbows, ducks (yep, ducks!) Now you have NO EXCUSE not to play!

I went with the fish option, if only to make myself open and use my Hero Arts Oceans of Joy fish set. Here's my card, then I'll explain:

This was the fourth or fifth attempt, and I'm actually glad I kept trying. :) The fish and grass were heat-embossed with black EP, then colored with Gelatos:

Then I cut them out. I did. Here's the fish up close and personal:

 I used three colors of Gelatos, then rubbed them with my finger to blend them.

For the grass, I used two colors of blue/green and also blended them:

The background of the card is a funky minty green color of card stock from my scrap box, and it's sprayed with my blue Ranger Distress Pearl mist. I love how it came out! There is a glob of pearl stuff under the fish, but well pretend it isn't p00p, k?

Also, I originally had that white twine wrapped around the card and under the fish, but he looked strung-up, and we can't have that, so I moved it over to the diagonal.

Yep, I'm pretty pleased with how this came out. :)

Okay, now it's YOUR turn. Go into your s-crap room and dig out something water-related (frozen water or the liquid type), make a card, then link us up over at Shopping Our Stash so we can see what you've made!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. well may you be PLEASED missus! this is quite fabulously cool! ♥LOVE♥ those gelato pastel crayon thingies... and not JUST b/c they are named after my favorite dessert! :) loooooooove that sweet and adorable fish, too, those stamps are AWESOME! oceans of COOLNESS!!! (with NO fish p00p at all, no sirree bob!!!) :) :) :)

  2. I am pretty pleased with it, too, and yes, no fish poop, no tank to clean!

  3. This is really cute, and I must be living under a rock, because this is the first I've heard about or seen gelatos! The colors on your card look great!!


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)