
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Too Much Inspiration

I think I've figured out part of my problem: I stamp in spurts. Well, Day Job aside, and given that I do have more time and energy on the weekends to play in The Captain's Quarters than I do during the week, I still stamp in spurts. I get so many ideas, sometimes I just crank out the cards, then sometimes I go for days -- DAYS -- and stamp nothing.

It's during these times of nothingness that I collect ideas. I still read blogs (I think I'm up to 300 blogs in my Google Reader, and the unread posts often approach the dreaded 1000+ number, where Reader stops counting), so the ideas flow, they just don't get all the way to paper.

Then this happens:

This card is the result of too much inspiration; too many ideas in my grey matter all clamoring to get out at once. It's kinda like when you've been sooooo good for sooooo long and haven't had any sweets for MONTHS, then when you go to pick up a prescription at the pharmacy, and you spy that bag of circus peanuts, you grab it and eat them all on the way home. Oh, that never happens to you? No? Hmm, me, neither.

So yeah, all that bottled up goodness comes flowing out and I end up with too much stuff on one card, but I find myself unable to stop the madness.

Now to the "explaining" part of the show. First, I was enabled to place an order with Paper Smooches that included this stinkin' cute eagle. He needed to come live with me. Then I have this card bookmarked to CASE the idea of the two-colored dots.Then the red part looked boring, so I made my own dry embossing with some SU stars punched with the small star punch ala the technique I used on this card. Then I felt I needed to use as many stamps from the Paper Smooches set as possible, so the star and banner legs made an appearance.

FYI: The SU small star punch fits perfectly in the Paper Smooches outline star stamp. The set comes with a solid star, but I proved incapable of stamping it cleanly, so I gave up.

Finally, I added a ribbon to cut all the dots, and some gold glitter pen to bling-up the star a little. Then I declared it done.

So I think my solution is to stamp more often, kindof like a pressure release valve. It could work. Maybe.  We'll see.

Thanks for stopping by!

Stamps: Paper Smooches Circle of Honor, PTI Polka Dots Basics
Paper: SU Whisper White, Real Red and Midnight Muse
Ink: Real Red, Midnight Muse
Other: SU small star punch, SU Navy grosgrain ribbon, gold glitter pen


  1. Love this card and all your details!! I think we should name that Eagle because he is the bomb. I think I'll call him Ed for my uncle who was in WWII. And those two colored dots are FAB!!!

    I'm off for the summer, but when I work I find I spend most of the week looking and thinking and usually by Sunday I'm ready to make everything and do 3 or 4 blog posts in 1 day.

  2. It all works! Great color and techniques and who couldn't love that eagle.... *smile* You should open that release valve more often. I agree!


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

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