
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

SOS #61 - Something New

It's time for a new Shopping Our Stash challenge! This week we ask you to use something you HAD to have, but haven't opened yet. I know we are an easily enabled bunch, and I have a ton of stuff I needed to own and it's all in a pile waiting for some love. In my case, I find I need things that are used in some of the online classes I take. In theory, you should see these classes as examples, and be able to use what you already have to mimic the lessons, but noooooo, I am weak.

One of the items I was enabled to need during April's OnlineCardClass A Cut Above was a set of Tim Holtz Embossing Diffusers. Say what? In case you haven't heard of them, I'll show you in a sec, but first, my card:

See that unembossed section in the center? Yeah, they let you do that. This is what one of them looks like:

This is one of the three that come in the package. They are made of thick plastic, and each has two parts. You use them with an embossing folder to partially emboss a piece of card stock. They are the thickness of one of the clear cutting plates, so you effectively use this instead of one of the cutting plates in your sandwich.

Here is my stack just before I ran it through the Big Shot:

The card stock is inside the embossing folder, and I've secured the outside piece of the diffuser to the folder so it doesn't shift. I need all the help I can get keeping things not crooked. ;/

After I ran that through, this is what the card stock looked like:

Then I ran it through again using the tan embossing mats and the center oval piece so it popped out the unembossed oval. In the end, it looked like this:

Cool, huh? Then I went into stash mode and used an already printed Hambo image from my UFO pile. I cut it out with a Nestabilities Petite Oval, colored it, then used some ancient yellow eyelets to secure it to the raised oval:

The sentiment is from one of my Paper Smooches sets. I'm pretty happy with how this one turned out, and I suspect you'll see me use these diffusers more now that they're open. Funny how that works, isn't it?

Now it's YOUR turn. Go into your I NEED THIS AND I NEED IT NOW stash, pull out something you haven't opened yet, open it and USE it. Then come over to Shopping Our Stash and link us up so we can see what you've made!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. cute! and tan embossing mat... Color me confused. I don't think I have one of those. I had a black one and it died in a Big Shot accident.. But the diffuser thingy is neat. and much easier than trying to use a wooden from from Mike's...

  2. I've never seen these diffusers - but think that may have to go on my wish list now! Very clever idea!

    LOVE your cute card - that image is just precious.


  3. Oh, scrap. I saw a tutorial on the diffusers a while back and managed to forget about them...but I waaaaant them.
    I love the bright yellow & the eyelets! I'm sure I've got those hanging around too :)

  4. Too cool! I need this. Wait, okay- NEED is too strong a word, but still. Love the cute image too!

  5. these are fun! I have been doing it with layers of cereal boxes glued together, but it is never as crisp!...loving this product and your card!!!

  6. Well, those are going on my list. I've seen them before but seeing them done by someone who's not trying to sell them to me is great. I love the look and you had a great idea to use the center part of emphasize the oval. Those chickens are too cute - I love this card.

  7. ...speakin' of enablage... pretty sure those diffusers just made it onto my "list"!!! :) :) :)

    in our defense (the collective easily enabled) i'd say that this is exactly the kind of thing one OUGHT to spend money on: it's unique, it can be used over and over, and it makes a bunch of the stuff we already have (stamps, nesties, etc) look new and cool again! yep, i just sold myself the rest of the way on the TH diffusers!!!! :)

    btw, probably should have mentioned this FIRST: awesome card, missus!!!!!! ♥♥♥


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)