
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

SYS Homework, Days 2 & 7

 Yes, days 2 & 7 ... so I'm jumping around a little bit. Oh, well. I finished two cards last night that were influenced by the online Stretch Your Stamps classes I'm taking.

This first one was influenced by the Collage Stamps class on Day 2:

 I didn't use an actual collage stamp, but I did use a Tim Holtz background. Also, in class they applied the ink to the craft mat, then stuck a piece of watercolor paper into the ink to pick up the colors. Meh, I just did direct-to-paper. Less mess and I'm lazy. Tip: I started the direct-to-paper with the lightest color and worked my way towards the darker ones. That kept me from cross-contaminating the inks in case a darker one wasn't completely dry yet. At least this made sense to me at the time.

I stamped the background with Ranger embossing ink over the dried card stock and clear-embossed it. Then I went over the whole thing direct-to-paper with my Chipped Sapphire ink instead of the black they used in class. I buffed off the embossed part and voila - colored clocks!  Here it is up close and personal:

You can see where I overlapped the inks a little. Love it!

Next, I made a card sorta like on Day 7, but not. One of the techniques for Day 7 (using Floral Stamps) was to stamp on glitter. I kinda backed into this one. Here's my card, then I'll explain:

 In class they made the glitter background, stamped the flowers on the glitter, then colored it. Not me ... nope. You see, last weekend I was influenced by this post on Michelle Zindorf's blog to play with the shaving cream technique. Here's what I made that night:

 Since these were stacked on my desk, I decided to use one for the glitter technique, and my flowers would already be colored! :) I applied wide strips of Sookwang tape to cover the paper, then covered it with Dazzling Diamonds glitter. I have a ton of the micro-fine glitters, but they are all colored. :( I was very surprised to find I had so little clear glitter in my stash. So here's my glittered shaving cream background with the stamped image:

See, all colored for me. :) I cut it out, then decided it needed leaves. I drew them on the remaining glitter spaces, colored them with Copics and cut them out.

I also cut the frame in the top layer like we learned in class. Cool technique, and I'll be doing that again.

In other news, I was stupid and pulled weeds in my 10x20 back yard on Saturday, and now I have poison ivy. My right hand is swollen so I can't even hold a pen, which was tough since I had to sign three things to pick up the ointment tonight. So I won't be stamping much for a day or two until I regain the use of my right hand. :( If you'd like to have a pity party for me, please go right ahead. Oh, and it's spread to my neck and forehead and the corner of one eye, but I can't put the ointment near my eye. And today I see new spots on my left hand and arm.  The doctor said it would get worse before it gets better. Gee, thanks. So PITY ON, people! *whimper*.

And thanks for stopping by!


  1. Your cards are lovely and I am sorry you have poison ivy. We have so much of it out here in the wilds of nowhere that my philosophy about weeds is if it's green and covers the ground, it stays. Period. Hubby mows the grass and does the weedeatering and it's all good. Besides this isn't dirt we have here, it's rock.

  2. Beautiful work on the colors. Awesome!

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  3. Sure sorry to hear about the poison ivy......Hope it clears up fast. Hugs n' Stuff, Lynne

  4. Niiiiiiiice!! Love how you re-worked the SYS cards and made them your own. :)

    And FEEL BETTER!! I'd hug you, but I don't want the poison ivy...can I catch it from you? Ewww. ;) xoxoxoxo

  5. Love the birthday card! It was my birthday last week (shhh) and that's EXACTLY how I felt! :) I keep telling people I'm not having birthdays anymore, that I'm just celebrating the anniversary of my 39th. hahahaha!

    (I don't think they're buying it...)

  6. First: cards. Wow. Really cool. Second, you weeded without gloves??? I hope the worst has come and gone by now, friend.

  7. Love your card...great idea to use what you have...I'm guilty of half-creating stuff for techniques and not using them...this inspires me to use some of my "tries"...thanks for inspiring me !!

  8. Ick, poison ivy :( That's miserable! I don't know how I didn't end up commenting on this post already, because I even made some stuff inspired by it? Well. Anyhow...I linked you up since it's your fault (I mean, you inspired) me to get messy with shaving cream:


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)