
Monday, August 27, 2012

Just Playin'

While Lisa's been here, we've had some quality stampy time, which has been a blast. One night we played with washi tape (duh) but not just any washi tape. I chose to use a piece that was very cool when I bought it but once I got it in my paws, I couldn't figure out how to use it. I made this:

Yes, I know, it's (gah) pink, but it was part of a pile of Melon Mambo card stock I have left over from my SU monthly classes, and now the pile is one piece shorter. Also, the pink kinda went with the washi, or so Lisa said. I tried to resist, but she is pretty persuasive. I added a lot of black to make up for it.

I started out by putting two rows of the washi on a piece of SU Brushed Silver card stock (it was out, so I used it). The embossed sentiment was a practice one Lisa made, so I used it. I put two strips of black washi under the sentiment for contrast.

The paper clip was Lisa's idea, too. We tried a bazillion ways to get the vellum layer to lay flat, but it refused, so we let it flop around, and the paper clip holds it flat in one spot. 

Lisa is only here for one more day (waaaaaaahhhhh), and today we're going to meet up with RuffHaven and go eat Maryland Crab Cakes. YUM!

In other news, our fearless leader over at Shopping Our Stash has started up another challenge blog: Anything But A Card. The first challenge will be September 2nd, but she's got a blog candy offer going on here. Go check it out!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I love that patterned vellum over the washi; so many interesting elements to check out on this card! Sounds like you two are having a great time crafting together!

  2. Pink or not - it's fabulous!! LOVE it! So different and fun!

  3. The vellum over the washi tape is lovely and the paper clip idea is brilliant. Vellum is always difficult yo deal with. And there's not too much (gah!) pink showing :-)


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

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