
Sunday, August 5, 2012

{Love You}

Well, this WAS going to be entered into DTGD12Mothermark's challenge, but I blew it when the card morphed away from its original self. It's still based on, and inspired by, her challenge, so I may enter it with a disclaimer. Hey, can't blame a gal for trying.

Here's my card:

I was very pleased with myself for getting all artsy-fartsy and playing with my Tim Holtz stash. I used one of his tags, clear-embossed the circle stamp from this set (sorry for the glare, it was under my desk lamp):

... covered it in a few Distress inks, then spritzed it with some Smooches Spray. It's all shiny and everything:

I cut the main strip of it out of the tag and used it as the lower part of the same Sketchbook Saturday sketch I used in the last post:

Here's the card again so I can remember what it looks like without scrolling ...

I took a few liberties with the top half of the sketch and used a few more of my paper roses. The sentiment was stamped with the Paper Smooches Alphadots set. The card base is my coveted Sage Shadow that I may have hoarded when it retired. (moment of silence) The paper at the top is the back of a piece of Core'dinations Beach card stock from The Heaplet. It was there and it was the right color, and now it's gone. I win.

Actually, I think I'm done with challenges, at least for an hour or so. It's been a crazy weekend. I thank you for stopping by!


  1. I always figure if it was inspired by the challenge (even if it veered off) enter anyway. It got you started, right? :) Love the shiny shimmery bits & those coffee rings - I need those, I think. Too fun.

  2. Haha! I love the way you write posts :) Totally cool, the card and the techniques!

  3. this is a VERY pretty color combination. And, of course, i love the flowers! Now this card I will have to CASE


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)