
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Oh, Crab

I am a bad friend. I am one of those people who has a bazillion cards laying around, but I need to make a special card for someone I know, so ... I run out of time, and it rarely happens. Eventually I forget they even have birthdays, and the guilt goes away. A little.

But one of my special bloggy pals, Libby, has a birthday TODAY, and I, well, I do what I usually do, and I forgot. But it's her lucky day, because I'm officially on vacation until Tuesday, so I made her a card tonight. Since I'm posting it on her birthday, I'm not late, right? 

I thought so. 

So here it is:

Isn't he a cutie pie? I love my Paper Smooches stamps. The background was made with a Hero Arts chevron stamp colored in various Distress inks.

Here is the detail of the crab:

I colored his claws with a glitter pen, then covered them with Glossy Accents. Stickles wouldn't dry until tomorrow, and I have that whole instant gratification thing going on here.

I know we've discussed this before, but most crabs aren't red unless they are cooked, and this guy is smiling, so I'm pretty sure he lives.  There is one kind of crab that is red while alive, so I declare this guy to be that variety. I think it's a red crab (imagine that).

So Happy Birthday, Libby! And may you have MANY MANY MORE!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Happy Birthday, Libby! The little crab is adorable and I love his glossy little claws. Enjoy your vacation!

  2. love your gradient chevrons and the crab claws are awesome!!! I am the same way with my cards...have hundreds of them in my craft area but none are "special" enough for certain people...

  3. SOOOO CUTE!! Love that chevron and the crab - whether he's suppose to be red or not - is so adorable! The more of the Paper Smooches stamps the more I want!
    Love it.

  4. thank goodness its not just me!! I still haven't given my husband a birthday card and his bday was in May! I never NEVER get cards ready on time. (for real life people lol)

    gorgeous card. I love that you went into detail about how you knew the red-but-alive crab was technically incorrect. You crack me up lady!


  5. RED crab? That's a crazy name. Who came up with that?
    I'm never on time either - it's the shoemaker's children syndrome, I call it. My grandma's birthday was in July and I'm bringing her card & present with me in Sept...that's just sad.
    I think this set should move to the top of my PS wish list - but then I'd never make anything BUT sorry I'm late cards ;)

  6. So you are not really late with Libby's card...I love your dead crab and his glittery glossy pincers.

  7. I'm the same way with cards. I've got an entire box full but when someone's birthday comes up, I HAVE to make them a special card, just for them! Thanks for the crabby lesson too. Eye candy + education = good times.

  8. Awwww shucks, thanks! I love that little crabby, and I must have missed your other conversations about it because it had never occurred to me about them not being red, LOL!! LOVE the sparkly pincers too, awesome.

  9. He's a cutie that I have to remember is in my stash because like you and the other ladies in the comment field, I can't seem to always remember about birthdays. (I even have a stamp that says "officially late" because it happens often enough! Lol.) Love his washi "log". :-)


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

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