
Monday, September 10, 2012

Even More Birthday Cards

Last night I moved on from all that pink and attempted some more generic, and maybe even boy-type cards. Best I could do in this pass, though, was in the colors. I chose a few papers from the Basic Grey Cupcake 6x6 pack and made the following.

The first batch came out like this one:

Yes, again with the doily tags, but since I made five of these with various background colors, I now have only seven MS doily tags left. It's only taken me three years to use them too.

The second batch of cards used color blocks, like this:

You may not be aware of this phenomenon, but we bloggers tend to feed off of each other craft-wise. One person says something, then someone else follows up on the idea, then someone else sees it, and then the original person sees THAT and it all comes back around.

I'm blathering about my stumbling upon the fabby tutorial on OWH that shows how someone used up a 6x6 paper pad to make cards for OWH. I snagged the idea and spent Labor Day weekend doing the same thing, the results of which you can see here, here and here. Then one of MY crafty peeps, Melissa, was inspired to do the 6x6 thing and she did - right here.  And yes, she blamed me. I'm so proud.

Her comments about one of the cards she made (card #20 in her post) cracked me up, and yesterday I decided to tackle the concept myself to see if I could handle it. She used four pieces of patterned paper and tried to line them up straight. HA, well, I know me better than that, so I did a variation of her idea and left a border around the edge of the layer, thinking it would be easier. Nope, I have mostly crooked borders, too. WHY WHY WHY do we do these things to ourselves?

I cut the papers into 1 7/8" strips, marked where I wanted to cut the first piece, cut it and put it in place, then marked how long I needed to make the piece next to it, then under it, and so on.. The only thing I pre-cut were the strips. Then after I did one card, I'd take the left-overs from that to start the next one, so each card has different sized pieces. See:

 I made two each of the blue, green, and this red background:

I think my brain was just too tired to do the math, plus this way they are all different.

I even made my own buttons from scraps of paper in the packs. They are much flatter than real buttons, and look just as good.

In other news, Fall is in the air, and it's finally not stoopid hot and humid here. Sunday was gorgeous, and Happy Monday, indeed!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Love the 4 block cards and how they look like mod presents. :)

  2. So colorful. Love the papers. Looks easy, too! :-)

  3. it was like 48 degrees when i woke up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how AWESOME is that??!?!??! :) :) :) (sorry, i got distracted, but then YOU mentioned the weather and it's been a LONG HOT summer here in the NE as you know!!!!!) :)

    these are BRILLIANT in every sense and i love each and every one... plus i ♥LOVE♥ that they are all different, that makes them so much better!!! :)

    (ps & yeah i love that "whisper down the lane" phenom; they actually do blog hop type things on 2p's where one dt does a lo and the next "twists" it and passes it to another... i LOVE watching the way the original idea morphs and evolves into something entirely different; i love sketch challenges for the same reason!)

    (sorry i wrote a rambly novel as usual!!!) ♥♥♥

  4. More great cards!! Holy cow you've been busy!! How many have you made now anyway? Over 100? These are really awesome, Leslie. And one of these days I'll try the "make my own button" thing, too. I really love how yours turn out.


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)