
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Love You x 2

Even though I've sworn off buying any new paper until I make a significant dent in the hoarded supplies I already have, I did succumb to the lure of ... mmmm, paper ... during one of my recent shopping therapy sessions. I only bought 2 or 3 sheets, which for me is showing incredible restraint.

Earlier today, as I wandered around in The Captain's Quarters, I spied a piece of the new aforementioned pretty paper and went in search of a sketch so I could use it. I still have the Artful Delight September Sketch out (well, it's in that pile that lives on my desk, but it had risen to the top):

and I made this:

I used a lot of old and a lot of new here. The patterned paper is new, the sticker letters are new, the lace is sorta new, the button is old, and the card base is Sahara Sand - not my go-to-white I've been using lately. The button is a little off -- not green enough, but the greens I have weren't blue enough. Ah, a crafter's dilemma. Since I was into using up stash, I didn't bother making my own button this time.

However, I feel it's my duty to share with you that just because you have elements in the right color does not mean you should use them. I present Exhibit A:

Even though in real life those letters and button match better, I am not in like with this combination. It's just off. Blech.

I did manage to crank out another sketch challenge, so I'll get that posted next.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. you're not alone!!! Love the crocket ribbon, many thanks for joining us at Artful Delight.

  2. what a pretty paper, love this card

  3. Gorgeous paper. I like the first one better, too - the button on the second one is too bright with that paper, I think.

  4. luckily, you have only sworn off BUYING paper and not SUCCUMBING to it! b/c those are TOTALLY different as any paperholic will attest, let me know if you need me to attest to it, b/c i can name that tune in *1* note!!!!!! (oof--remember "name that tune?! sigh)

    having said that, anyone who sees this gorgeous card-- even a "civilian" who does not understand the premise above-- will totally go, "OH YEAH YOU NEEDED THAT" to do THIS!!!!!!! love it! ♥

  5. Wow, what a gorgeous design, and a super way to put patterned paper to work! So glad you enjoyed the sketch at Artful Delight and played along!

  6. Gorgeous card. So glad you joined us at Artful delight in our latest challenge!


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)