
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Friday Mash-Up #80

Next up, I played the Friday Mash-Up:

So here is the "Mashup" Challenge:

  1. Make a project with the "Sketch".
  2. -Or- Make a project using "Faux Washi Tape".
  3. -Or- "Mash it Up" and create a project using the "Sketch and Faux Washi Tape".

Well, being the over-achiever I can be at times, I did both. :) I like the sketch, and I have a bunch of faux washi tape from this effort. I made this:

One of the problems with crafting is you make faux washi tape, and it's enough to last a lifetime. Here I've managed to use about 3" of the stuff. Yeah, I have a lot left. ;/

I used SU Poppy Parade and Blushing Bride to pick up the colors in the paper. I even added a (gah) pink-ish button. That's one less in my stash. Actually, all of this was from remnants; only the base was cut from virgin card stock.

Okay, I'm watching the live feed of Felix Baumgartner's ascent and jump from space. I won't even climb a ladder. ;/

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I like it when you over-achieve, especially when the results are as pretty as this. I have some of that washi paper somewhere, probably stashed to save for some unknown, important project. Now I need to go in search of it.

  2. great card, love what you did with the sketch and that faux washi tape.

  3. Well, aren't the regular rolls of washi pretty much enough to last a lifetime too? Although I guess the faux isn't going to work with your awesome storage ;) Love the pattern you chose for the washi - and that absolutely perfect pink border!

  4. Wow! This is so stunning - I absolutely love the simplicity of it, and the gorgeous colours. Glad you got a chance to use some more of your faux Washi Tape :) Thanks for joining us this week at The Friday Mashup!

  5. how ♥WOW♥ this one is just BEYOND awesome!!!!!!!! how do you just STOP with sooooooooo little on the card and just KNOW it is perfection??!?! i'm never gonna be able to do it, m'self, and thus am even more impressed when you can pull it off with such aplomb! (i'd like bonus points for using "aplomb" in a sentence, with a straight face, and it works!!!0 :) :) :)

  6. GORGEOUS card; I dare say "simply elegant!" *love*

  7. Adorable! I love the white space. Thanks for joining the Friday Mashup this week.


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

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