
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

JBR Sketch

I missed it by 2 hours. I tried to be like my pal Lydia, aka Understandblue, and waited until the last second to do the (no longer) current Jingle Belles Sketch by the fabby Allison Fillo:

 ... but they closed their linky at 6 pm, and it's now after 8 pm. Boo.  Forget that we've had TWO WEEKS to play. Details. Pffth.

I got home really late tonight and decided I needed some stampy therapy, so I made this:

I wanted to use those tiny candy canes I've had FOR-EVER, but they needed something behind them, so I used a piece of blue washi tape. Only 45964736 more miles of the stuff to go. ;/ I originally stuck the candy canes on with Glossy Accents, but I think nothing sticks to washi tape, so I stapled them on. I showed 'em.

Also, LOCK THE DOORS! One of my Paper Smooches Swanky Snowdudes is MIA. I can't believe it. Sigh.

In other news, for the past two weeks I have been living this: Sweet Bobra.  Yes, I'm getting a kitty, from TX! Lydia tells the story in her post, and he'll arrive here in MD very early Saturday morning. Once he gets settled in, I'll introduce him to you. (squee) Until then, anything you see here will be a miracle, constructed from nervous energy and lack of sleep.

Thanks for stopping by!

Products used but not linked below: Darice Home for the Holidays candy canes that may pre-date dirt, and some MT washi tape.


  1. Love the card, but I love the kitteh story even more. I read the story over on Lydia's blog and I think he is one lucky kitty cat! Maybe he can find your lost snowdude for you.

  2. Squee for kitty! I didn't realize he had been attacked and homeless :( I think it's above and beyond kind to take this kitty from across the country and love him like I know you will. Such a sweet rescue story.

    Love your card too :)

  3. darlin snowman, I adore this sweet card...happy day!

    enjoy *~*

  4. Very cute!! Love all the layers! And that snowman is from one of my all time favorite stamp sets!!

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