
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Meet Bobra

I'd like you to meet Bobra:

I'm happy to report that kitty's 2.5-day road trip came to a happy ending very early this morning when I picked him up from P.E.T.S when they stopped in Hagerstown, MD. You can read about the beginning of his story here on Lydia's blog.

We've spent most of today exploring and napping - major napping! He's settling in just fine and has found a hiding place I don't know about yet. But he slept with me last night, and hasn't gotten into anything he shouldn't. So far, so good.

I'll try crafting tomorrow to see how that goes with him. I have a few card ideas I'd like to try, so hopefully I'll be back with something crafty to share.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. He is one handsome kitty! I'm glad to hear he's settling in well and I bet he will be a big help in the crafting dept.

  2. What a sweet kitty! I think he is still making his mental list of what he is going to get into.

  3. He is such a love! Congrats to you both! :)

  4. He's adorable and VERY lucky!! Glad there are people like you who unlike me are not allergic to cats!!

  5. What a handsome boy, love him to bits. My Dexter, Splot and Girl send lots of welcoming purrs and miaows and I sent him a great big loving chin rub. Good luck with your ribbons :-D xxxx

  6. I am so glad he arrived and is settling in his new home. You are both really lucky to have found each other through Lydia. What a touching story!! Have fun. Hugs n' Stuff, Lynne

  7. Adorable! So glad he is in his new home safe and sound!

  8. I just love Bobra's story - and I'm so glad he's found your forever home :) What a cat! He's gorgeous :) Congrats!

  9. Nice to meet you, Bobra! You're one lucky little cat!

  10. Such a handsome cat!


  11. Have you noticed that his eyes match the striped wall behind him? Color coordination is a very important thing... :)

  12. He is gorgeous! And you are so wonderful to give him a home after his rough start... I just love happy endings :-)

  13. omg! he's just toooooooooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuuuute! i love the esspression on his face, it's like, "ok ONE MORE PHOTO... then i'm going to need some serious tuna!!!" ♥♥♥ welcome bobra to the crooked household & blogging emporium!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

  14. omg! (yeah, again!) i just read the STORY!!! holy wow, that's pretty coooool! isn't technology fab??!?! (also, i really really LOVE the name now, tho i cannot say i completely see the resemblance to said diva... could he sing a bit of the score from "funny lady"?! that might help!) :)

  15. Wonderful picture and even better kitty story :-)


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

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