
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

SOS #79 - Odds & Ends

Happy Tuesday! It's time for another Shopping Our Stash challenge. This week we ask you to use Odds & Ends you have laying around. By odds & ends, we mean use two different types of embellishments in your stash: the lone white pearl and a scrap of ribbon for example, or two red buttons and one green pearl, or scrap of twine and a button, or the left over brad from the package along with a sticker. Any amount/combo is fine as long as two different types are included.

You neat people may have a tough time with this one, but let me tell you: I think this might be our Best. Challenge. Ever. Why? Well, I went digging at the top of my desk where all my "meh" objects land, and I laid out all the s-crap hiding up there. Wanna see it? Here you go:

Yes, all of that was crammed into the space above my pad of grid paper. I have die-cuts, ribbon, lace, washi tape buttons, twine, two eyelets in different colors ... LOTS from which to choose! I didn't even need to go into a drawer to get anything else!

So I made four cards. Yep: four. I'll start with the one I had Carla post on the SOS blog this morning:

See that heart? It's really four hearts stuck together. I found 6 of them on my desk, and I stuck them together in threes, giving me two thick embellishments. I die-cut two more hearts out of Bazzill Avalanche so the hearts matched the background, so now they are four-hearts thick. I used one here and one on the next card. The blue thing is a piece of a washi sheet that was hiding somewhere else on my desk and didn't make the s-crap photo. I also added a bow made out of a scrap of twine.

For my second card:

Here is the other heart stack, this time with a piece of washi tape behind it. That diagonal strip under the heart was already stuck to a piece of white card stock and just ... it was sad. I added a new piece of the same tape under the sentiment so you could see it. So. much. white.  Oh, and another piece of that twine. Done.

Next, I made this:

Admittedly, this is mostly die-cuts and punched stuff, but it was ALL hiding on my desk. That owl was complete. The doily was cut from a piece of card stock I'd colored using the Shaving Cream Technique way back here. Yes, it was still on my desk ... why do you ask?  I punched a 1 1/2" circle of white to put behind the owl so you could see him. The row of hearts was die-cut a bazillion months ago from a Tim Holtz tag I'd been using to clean up ink off my craft mat. I also snuck in a piece of white twine on the upper left of the doily.

 I added black enamel to the owl's eyes, but the bottle spit and gave him a sty:

Poor fella.

Here's my fourth and last card:

My odds & ends here are the brown die-cut, and both pieces of horizontal lace. I did cut into that piece of brown paper from my Basic Grey sugared 6x6 pack, because it was out and the colors were perfect. The lace for the bow hides an unfortunate dark spot on the pink lace. The sentiment is from a Hero Arts set I just finally opened and used. Go, me.

OKAY, now it's YOUR turn. Go into your stash (or, if you're like me, just look around your desk) and pull out some lonely single embellishments and use at least two of them to make a card. Then come pack to Shopping Our Stash and link us up so we can see what you've made!

Thanks for stopping by!

Products used but not listed below: SU Owl punch, Twinery twine, Taylored Expressions Heart Border die, SU lace, Pick Your Plum lace, Basic Grey sugared 6x6 pad, Bazzill Avalanche card stock.


  1. 4 cards? Overachiever, that's what you are.

  2. Leslie - Whoa!! you have a really big desk to work on?? Thats a load of odds and ends! And you can't even tell thats what they are. Great job!

  3. Leslie - Whoa!! you have a really big desk to work on?? Thats a load of odds and ends! And you can't even tell thats what they are. Great job!

  4. You make pretty good stuff with odds and ends!

  5. Always having to show everyone up with 4 cards! not one, not two, not three but FOUR! lol. Great cards as the owl even if he has a sty!

  6. We were separated at birth...the evidence keeps mounting :) This is how about 90% of my cards are finished - by finding some random thing laying around :) Poor owl with his sty - although your description made me giggle!

  7. i heartily agree, missus: BEST SOS EVER!!! i thought so whilst making my card, but it turns out that wasn't even close to being the BEST BIT; oh no, the BEST BIT is seeing the cool odds & ends everyone else has and how THEY combined them into a stunning card... or FOUR!!!!!!!!!!! (b/c apparently i am crafty AND nosy in pretty much equal measure, so this was the ULTIMATE week for combinin' ma skillz!!!) :) :) :) (ps: did i ever say I LOVE THESE, btw??!?! yeah. quadruple awesomeness!)

  8. WOW four wonderful card with your odds and ends. I could not pick a favorite if I had to. I really need to do this more often:use what's sitting right there in front of me.


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)