
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Washi, Washi, Washi (Revisited)

Back in August I shared how I used an IKEA pot lid holder to organize my growing collection of washi tapes. I also said I thought I had enough washi and would buy no more. I might have lied. I keep buying to fill in the missing colors. You know, when you go looking for just the right blue, and none of yours are right? Yeah, those missing colors.

So I'd been collecting the new tapes in a bag down in The Abyss, that area of floor space at my feet where everything eventually lands. I can't see going across town to IKEA to buy one $5 item, so I just never go. I even tried to order it online, but it was $20 to ship. Pffth. So the bag at my feet was filling up.

Until this weekend, that is! You see, one of my local tweeps, Kara, tweeted me that she and her DH were headed to IKEA, and did I want her to pick me up another washi rack? YES YES! We did the clandestine parking lot hand-off again, and I rushed home to re-organize the washi. Now it looks like this:

 Sorry about the bad lighting. The only decent light in The Captain's Quarters is right over my desk.

Here is the blue/green section now:

I think I may have a problem.

To attempt to justify this collection, I decided to make a card using some of the tape. I used the new OWH sketch:

and I made this:

I used a few more stamps from my CAS-ual Fridays Big Thanks stamp set. The gray chevron is part of a sheet of washi tape, and because of that, the strip of blue is stapled to the card to hold it in place. I decided the white-on-white was boring, so I used some more of the tape to make a border around the front of the card. I actually applied the adhesive for the top panel inside the washi rectangle on the card front so I knew it would stick. The washi is yummy, but not good with adhesives.

Right after I added the gray piece of washi, I decided to accentuate it by scoring a line above and below it, which you can sorta see here:

It looks way better in real life.

Now I may try this sketch with paper, like a normal person would do. ;/

Thanks for stopping by!

Products used and not listed below: Misc white card stock (it's an un-marked package, so who knows), CAS-ual Fridays Big Thanks stamp set, Queen & Co silver pearls, misc washi tape.


  1. Repeat after me...Hi, I'm Leslie and I like Washi Tape. Hi, Leslie!

    That is a very efficient way of storing it, though. So maybe if you can see what you have you won't have the need for more? Or not ;-)

  2. cool! Love your washi tape collection and your cool storage too!
    I got "whooping" 6 spools - no need to think about storage solution (yet) ;)

  3. There must be something wrong with me - I don't have ANY washi tape at all... ;(
    I love the color combination on your card - really fresh and clean!

  4. Great colors and patterns. The sntiment piece is so perfect! tfs!!!

  5. Wow! That is a lot of washi!Everytime you show your collection I get surprised, but I love how you use it! Great card!

  6. I have that problem with paper - 'just the right blue,' 'can't find a matching purple...' I feel your pain.
    And yeah, you have a problem ;) Washi addiction is a serious issue in our society today.

  7. Gracias for the shout out. :) I love the storage solution. What I really love is the idea of scoring a cardfront. GENIUS. You can do that to base things off of - like stamps, sticky things etc. Less chance of crookedness. :)

  8. Great job on the card. Your tape storage is genius.

  9. thank you very much for the lovely comment you left on my blog!
    love your cards but the thing that really grabbed my eye is your Washi tape!
    OMGee you have so much of it! i'm suffering real green envy right now. gorgeous and i love how you've stored it too! xx

  10. Your washi rack is so pretty! I'm envious of the pretty colors! Lovely card too, I adore everything about to!

  11. Great card-- holy washi tape batman :) Lov eit!

  12. ok, not sure why, but suddenly, i feel ummmmmm.... really RESTRAINED!!!!! :) :) :) :) at least i think so... i really have no frame of reference for somethin' like this!!! ok, but, given such a BRILLIANT solution for washi goodness, maybe RESTRAINED is not such a good thing??!?!? hmmmmmmmmm... might have to hit freckled fawn... & then ikea... bwah hah hahaahahahahaha!!!! :)

  13. The card is gorgeous, the scoring is way clever, and the sentiment is way cool! But your post really made me laugh!

    I'm the same way with paper; paid to move what could be a ton across the country, which was problematic enough since we downsized considerably, but now I think I've become addicted to stamps, which has me thinking maybe I should continue to avoid washi. But if I do get hooked, at least you've shown the perfect way to store it!

  14. This card is darling and a great use of your precious washi! Thanks for joining us in this week's Operation Write Home Sketch Challenge!


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

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