
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

SOS #80 - Winter or Holiday

It's Tuesday, and that means it's time for another Shopping Our Stash challenge. This week we ask you to make a card either with a Winter/Snow theme or Chanukah/Christmas/Holiday theme.

I decided to make a Chanukah* card with supplies I bought forever ago. I've actually made Chanukah cards like this before, with the same supplies, but it's been YEARS, so I decided the stuff is officially "stash". Here's my card, then I'll explain:

The stamps are from a PTI set (Mazel Tov, I think), the white card stock is SU Shimmer White, and the blue shimmer card stock is from PTI. I may have hoarded both.

I stamped the round pattern with SU Midnight Muse ink onto the shimmer white, cut it into a banner, layered it onto some blue, and stuck it to the front of the card. The menorah was stamped in the same ink, and the circles were die-cut with Nestabilities circle dies. I colored the candles with Sakura gel pens.

You can kinda see the shimmer here:

and also where I missed coloring the candle flames. ;/

Okay, now it's YOUR turn! Go into your stash and make a winter/snow/holiday card. Think mittens, hot cocoa, skiing, snowballs ... LOTS of options! Make a card, then link us up at Shopping Our Stash so we can see what you've made!

Thanks for stopping by!

*In case you've wondered why there are so many different spellings of Chanukah, that's because it's a transliteration from the Hebrew word, which means it's spelled as it sounds in Hebrew. The first letter of the Hebrew word is a CH sound, not like in "church", but like the ch in "chutzpa"; it's a more guttural, throaty sound, like you're clearing your throat. It's that sound that's interpreted differently when spelling it in English letters.


  1. Clean and simple, I like it. Thanks for the Chanukah explanation, too.

  2. What a beautiful card! I love the banner you created and the colors are wonderful!

  3. Lovely, elegant card, Leslie. Love that shimmery paper. And how did you know I was wondering recently about the differnt spellings of Chanukah?! Thanks for the good explanation!

  4. CAS and very beautiful. Note to self - must learn to make CAS...

  5. May have hoarded? Um, you know, we've been to your blog before ;P
    I love the gorgeous classic layout - and the round pattern? Gorgeous.
    As for the CH pronunciation...I have a small funny for you. Chutzpah is a word used in a phrase my oldest likes to repeat from a movie. He has a rather glaring speech difficulty...but let me tell ya, that guttural CH? He's got it. If only chutzpah was a word we used more often ;)

  6. Love the banner, love the layout. I may be stealing this one. Gracias.

  7. Very elegant and clean. Love the colors and design.

  8. love♥LOVE♥loooooooove this! seriously, one of the most beautiful CAS cards i've ever seen... for ANY occasion... and even better that it's ALL STASH, you so rock!!!

    ps: happy chanukah/hanukkah!!!!!!!!! (grab your harmonica!!!) (sorry, i'm channelling adam sandler now, lol!) ♥♥♥

    pss: this is amusing, you will enjoy, i think:


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)