
Sunday, March 11, 2012

March VSN, Part Second (and Last)

Wow, what a rush! I had such a blast playing the VSN challenges this weekend. Thanks to all who joined the fun!

I thought I'd show you a few more cards I made for the various challenges. The first Saturday challenge was to make a girly birthday card. Girly? Me? Sigh. So I did what I usually do in this situation and went into my stash of Webster's Pages papers and chose some that did all the work for me. I mean, when you have a 45-minute time limit, you look for all the help you can get!  I couldn't decide, so I made two:

They are the same except for the paper. I had a few feet of lace from the fabric store, and I wove some SAB ribbon through it. The sentiment was stamped on a separate piece of Webster's Pages paper and cut out. TWO cards in under 45 minutes. Whoot!

The next challenge was a SPRING Mnemonic challenge, which was to use something for each of the letters in the word SPRING. Here is my card:

and here is my list:

S = Sketch (MFTWSC56 from Jan 25th)
P = Poppy card stock
R = Ribbon
I = Ink
N = Nestabilities circle (I cut the poppy DSP with it)
G = Glitter pen (it's in all the red circles on the flower DSP)

This one really makes you use some creativity. You may recall I've made a card just like this but without the ribbon or glitter. I needed an R and G, so I changed it up a bit. It's totally okay to CASE yourself.

Next was a challenge to make a card with a critter that hops. Well, my brain mis-fired and I took the word 'hops' and made this:

Get it? Hops? Beer? Yeah, I even apologized to the hostess for twisting her words.

The next challenge I did asked us to use rolled flowers on our cards, so I made this:

That was some minty green ribbon I have that I declared a perfect match for the Brilliance ink I used for the circle under the rolled flower. I scrunched some more of it on the card to balance out that twisted sentiment. :)

And last, but not least, I made this card for my OWN challenge, which was to use something curly and 3D:

This paper is from a Memory Box pack (minuet, I believe) and again, it did all the work for me. I made that button (yes, I did), and then twisted some of the 12 miles of craft wire I have through the holes, then wound them around a toothpick to curl them. Lookie:

Someone will surely lose an eye.

Will I go back in for more? I might! Then again, I might cook dinner first, then decide if I'm carded out for the weekend. But YOU should DEFINITELY play. You have until 10 pm Monday to upload your cards. Actually, you have forever to upload them, but the official deadline for VSN is Monday at 10 pm.

In other news, I had The Ladies over to buy my 12x12 papers, and although they did a FINE job, I still have too much left. Therefore, I'm selling it in bulk. I've filled Medium Flat Rate boxes with paper. Each one holds at least 200 sheets and I'm selling them for $30 + shipping, which is $11.95 for that size box.  I've added a tab at the top of my blog called "Buy My S-crap! Please check it out and let me know if you're interested. Thanks!

And thanks for stopping by!


  1. fabulous that button with the wires...that is an awesome idea!

  2. These are so gorgeous. I have to try VSN. You kicked butt! That crochet lace, the gorgeous turquoise red and that doily (ou la la!) The critter that hops. LOL They are all so gorgeous!

  3. I absolutely love the first two! I'm all about cottage-y stuff right now. :)

  4. Just love ALL your cards this weekend! Fantastic job!


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)